Thursday, December 18, 2014

Final 2014 "Flush"

It has been such an amazing 2014!  This is such a great time of year because of the excitement we get to see every day with the kids….yes, it wears us out too!  But, it is neat to see the enthusiasm that everyone has for the holidays and the break!

I hope that over the break, you find some time for you.  That is hard this time of year.  Do something that you want for the simple fact that you want to.  Also do some serious reflecting.  Take a friend for coffee and reflect on your year. 

Did 2014 go as planned?  What joys came your way?  What disappointments came?  Who was there for you when you needed them?  What areas in your life did you grow in?  What are proud of?  What would you do differently if you had the chance?

There is true power in reflection.  That is how we improve ourselves and our quality of life.  I hope you find things to brag about…and do it….brag away!   I hope you find things you would fix because that means you are being “real” in the reflecting. 

Professionally or personally, we all have strong benefits from reflecting. 

I hope your break is amazing…enjoy your families and enjoy your time!

Happy Final Friday!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Monday Mush

Ok, the last school week of 2014 is here!  What a year!  On our Friday Flush, we will do some reflecting, but today I wanted to focus on giving a little more.  I came across this YouTube video

I don’t work for JCPenney, but they did a tremendous job in this video….they weren’t promoting products…they weren’t promoting their name….they were promoting giving.  I think the video truly speaks for itself.  Giving is a blessing.  I hope this season you find a way to surprise someone with gifts of generosity and see how it affects you.

Thank you for blessing the students here, and I hope you have tremendous week!

Happy Monday!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Friday Flush

This is a great time of year because it seems that so many are focused on giving and the joy that brings.  I think the concept goes far beyond that though.

 I think this proverb rings so true, and we have all seen it in our lives.  Sometimes we don’t have much to give, but we find a way and do.  Then, we receive that much back or more.  This isn’t always money or tangible gifts either. 

Have you ever been out of time, but someone needed something and you gave your time?  Then, you found an empty pocket of time later to get some things done, or a friend/family member picked up some extra slack for you?  There is truly a force that seems to repay our giving.

I truly believe that you guys should be some of the most blessed people in the world because you give so much.  You give to your kids every day even when you feel that you can’t keep going.  I appreciate you.  I appreciate all you do, and I truly hope that you are blessed this season.  You do a tremendous work, and I hope that you get a chance to reflect on all the good you do!

I hope your weekend is restful as well as productive.  Thank you for giving your time, energy, and more for the students here. 

Happy Friday!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Friday Flush

I love the proactiveness of the quote....we can control our day and our impact on the world around us.

We can wake up and expect that we will have something wonderful happen.  We can expect to wake up and have a impact on the world around us.  We can expect to make a difference in the lives of the students we are around.

You make a difference every are truly changing the face of the world of are choosing to make an impact.

The power of positive thinking is not just a isn't something that needs a Ouija board or a crystal is something that each of possess.  And, it works.

If you want to do something well, you first have to envision yourself doing it.  You have to see the possibilities.  The same thing is true of our students....when we believe in our hearts they can do something, we expect nothing less than that....and the students will rise to those expectations.

Thank you for believing in the kids...thank you for believing in each other....and thank you for believing in yourself.

Happy Friday!