don’t have to convince yourself to do everything….just the next thing.”
-- unknown
run, but I am not a “runner.” I actually hate running, every single
step. I have heard that eventually you really start to like it…I am not
there yet. But what I hear from runners that do the marathons and
half-marathons is that eventually you have to truly tell yourself “just one
more step, you can do that much” over and over and over. It isn’t about
the last 3 miles, but it is about the next step.
talk all the time to you guys and parents about kid’s “next steps.” We
need to find a way to help them go beyond wherever they are currently to their
next step whether it is playing catch up on some skills or enriching their
mastery. I hope this week we find ways to help EVERY child find their
personal next step. This makes them grow every single day…we can’t afford
to not find ways to stretch every child.
we each have a next step too. We might be overwhelmed with everything
going on. We may be burdened with everything to get done and the lack of
time to do it. Or, we may have some tasks that seem insurmountable.
Whatever it is, the cliché is true…the journey begins with one step.
you remember back to beginning of the year, we watched the “Eat that Frog”
movie based on the Brian Tracy book. ( www.eatthatfrogmovie.com
) It is loosely the same concept. We have large to do lists, but we
really can only focus on one at a time.
this week try not to get overwhelmed with EVERYTHING you have to do, and focus
on the SOMETHING you can do right now.
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