Friday, April 19, 2013

Friday "Flush" 4/19/13

“If any of you have a desire to be mediocre, you will probably find that you have already achieved your ambition.”  -- Hugh B. Brown
I like quotes that point us to look in a mirror and check ourselves.  I think this quote does that extremely well.  I once heard someone say, “No one wakes up one day and decides to be mediocre…it happens in small unnoticeable steps…”  How true!  Have you ever known someone that was always “on their game,” but one day you stopped and looked and said “what happened?  They just seem to getting by now or phoning it in.”  It might be that teacher that says something like “oh I would’ve done that a few years ago, but I am done with all that extra stuff now,” or “you get the paid the same to be mediocre.”  But, what was the bridge from passion to mediocrity?  That is the true magic ticket to be able to see the signs.

That bridge is paved with conscious choices to take the easy way.  Little things turn into patterns…   How many of us were told by our parents that “the easy way and the right way are rarely the same.”  -- Annoying cliché to a teen, I know, but very true.  We have choices that seem to have no immediate consequence, so we chose the easy way…do that enough, and you crossed the bridge to the land of mediocrity.  Scary. 

As we approach a weekend, I hope everyone has some time for reflection.  Think about things that have “gotten away from you” over time because of little choices that were made along the way.  No one can make you great or make you care….only you have that power.  I think every one of our students wants to go home feeling special, and that they were engaged and driven by someone with passion.  It is April…passion is a dwindling resource…think of what you can do personally to bring more into your work and your life. 

I hope that we don’t settle for mediocrity personally or professionally.  I look forward to all the great things that are still to come this year. 

Happy Friday!

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