Thursday, March 20, 2014

Friday Flush

If I had asked the people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses” – Henry Ford

I heard this quote in the attached blog posting…. “14 Things that are Obsolete in 21st Schools.” 

I think it is quite a meaningful way to look at our job as educators as well.  Henry Ford was a visionary.  He saw passed what was the here and now.  He saw passed what people wanted.  People were tired of slow traveling…people wanted a better way…but people wouldn’t have thought about the car.  He did.  We shouldn’t be asking for a faster horse in our business either…we need a car.

This list is a lot of things that happened 10 years ago or when we were in school.  We need to move past them.  Some of them are tongue and cheek, but all of them have truth that rings in them.  It isn’t ok to wish things to be “like they were in the gold ole days.”  We have a group of students that learns differently than we did, but truly we are in an age where we have limitless potential.  We have the ability to make a difference in ways that we didn’t think possible. 

Enjoy the reading…it is worthwhile.  Use it as a contemplation point…try to find some things you can try differently to reach more kids.  What are things that need to be phased out?  What are things you do just because you have always done them that way?  I promise if you think about it, you will find some. 

I appreciate your ability to have vision…to not just look for ways to make a faster horse.  I love seeing the way you make a difference every day.

Happy Friday!

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