Friday, August 22, 2014

Monday Mush

I am so excited to be officially starting our 2014-15 school year tomorrow.  We are truly going to have an amazing year this year as we focus on being “ONE TEAM.”  Tomorrow we will start our pre-season training at 8:00, and I am excited to see everyone!

Every Monday and Friday I will send an email (Sometimes the nights before so you have them to read first thing in the morning.)  They are designed to be inspirational or motivating. They are NOT required reading ever, and I will not put in information about school “to do’s” in there.  They are not designed to give school information.  I want them to be available to you if you CHOOSE to read them. 
I had others want to “subscribe” over time to them, so I add each one to a blog for easy access and filing.

They were coined the “Monday Mush” as a term of endearment as I am not usually “mushy.”  The “Friday Flush” helps us flush out the week to get reset for the next.  If you ever have a quote, video, etc to share, please pass that along.  I also look for “guest writers,” so feel free to volunteer!

The theme of football will for sure not ever leave us short of clips of inspirational stories/speeches to watch.  Movies capitalize on the emotions of football and key players because we want to see a team come together…we want that “tough kid” to become a true leader….we want the underdog to win.  That is truly part of our DNA. 

The above clip is possibly the most overplayed video for the past two years.  I didn’t choose it for it originality.  You have all seen it…several times.  But, it pulls me in every time….and it is PERFECT for what we are doing this year.  We are having kids reach for their own personal best.  I say often that “each kid has a next step.”  We have to push them to find it.  We cannot accept that some kids are “doing fine” or some kids “will never get it.”  We believe in them and we push them. 

This year, I want you to know that I believe in you.  I have seen the great things you can do and the loads you carry on your back.  I will push you to look passed what others might be able to do or what they may say and focus on yourself.  I want your best every day.

We have watched and we will watch a documentary on Nick Saban.  He says that he trains his kids to play “each down like it is the most important play in a Championship game.”  I really have thought about that. 

Great plays in history didn’t happen like this :  (In the huddle the quarterback didn’t look at the running back and say “ok, lets really try on this one…why do you break 7 tackles and do a spin move and oh yeah hurdle the guy to jump in the end zone.  ESPN has a camera over there, and that will be a great highlight they will show for years!”)

Great plays started like ordinary plays.  No one knew what was about to happen.  They just kept doing their best.  Amazing things happen when we are trying our best and working at 100%.  If we assume that nothing extraordinary will happen, then it won’t.  If we assume that we will only get a few yards on the next play, we probably won’t have the big gains we are actually capable of making.

Thank you for being on this team.  Thank you for giving 100% and asking kids to do the same.   Doing your best is tiring and hard, but it where champions are made.  We have all the potential to be just that, and I know we will do great things!

Happy first Monday!

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