Sunday, September 21, 2014

Monday Mush -- Character

Ok, we will start a Monday off without a video this week…but it is still a great football quote. 

At first blush, it sounds harsh…it sounds like we are hoping to eliminate those that are weaker, but I think the quote is looking far behind that.

Football is a metaphor of life in some ways that is simply marked off in 100 yards.  There is a struggle…there is determination…there is a strong need for teamwork…there is a strong need for a team… 

In our life, we need to first and foremost be people of character.  People that do what we say and mean what we say…People that you can lean on…people that make others better.  If that quality isn’t being defined and amplified, we are becoming weaker…our influence isn’t as meaningful or as strong….our ability to overcome obstacles shrinks.

We can’t afford to be weak…we can’t afford to role model a lack of character or determination…we can’t afford to give up on kids or our situations.

We have tough assignments…we have jobs that demand much more than we are paid for….but we have character that leads us toward knowing the greater good.  We have a responsibility for our students’ futures to give them all they need to be successful.  We are planting seeds and watering seeds…seeds that one day will grow…character is part of that watering process.

Thank you for being a team mate with me….thanks for playing so hard this season.

It will be a great week…happy Monday!

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