Thursday, January 22, 2015

Friday Flush

Love this quote….it can be truly life changing in so many ways.  I think that we all have our comfort zones….I love my comfort zones and my ruts.  I feel safe there…and all quantities are known variables.  Also the most I can achieve or the best I can is also a known variable.  I am a bad golfer…always have been…I know that I will play the day with about 1/3 good shots and the rest all bad.  I will shoot about a 95.  That is all known.  Now, if I truly wanted to be good, I would have to change something.  I would have to practice that change.  I would have to “ride the storm” of change so to speak.  I would have to be willing to go play several rounds where my game might be worse as I try to change a bad habit in my swing.  I might score over a hundred or what if I go through all of that and I score the same? 

That is a simple (and admittedly bad) example, but in life (and teaching), we have to change something to get something we never had.  If we do what we have always done, we get the same things we always had.  It is simple and timeless.  We have to make ourselves stretch in order to grow.  But, we aren’t “growing” just because it is fun or makes us a better person.  We are growing because it gives our kids more…it helps them.  If we want them to be a class like we have never had before that achieves things we never thought possible, we have to change in ways that makes us uncomfortable for a time.  We have to take risks to be better for them.

I hope this weekend that you do 2 things.  1.  Look back on your life and think of a time you changed something that gave you a result you would never had gotten otherwise.  How did that feel?  What did it take to do it?    2.  What is something that you want change professionally?  What do you need to do differently to do that?

I know that life sometimes feels like a hamster wheel…we are always moving...but we aren’t going nowhere….Education is a very slow moving process, but we are moving forward.  Look at how far we have come as a campus….look at all you have personally overcome and changed in your life.

Happy Friday!

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