Thursday, May 9, 2013

“Forgiveness is an act of the will, and the will can function regardless of the temperature of the heart.”  -- Corrie ten Boom

I am thoroughly convinced that there are no stronger words in the English language than “I forgive you.”  We have all been on one side of that or the other, and I would venture to say probably both.  It is tough to forgive, and it is tough to be forgiven.  We all have relationships that we avoid because of baggage…we all have chips on our shoulder that still sting….we all have hatchets buried with the handle still sticking out. 

I love the above quote.  It is from an amazing lady of intense value and foresight.  It speaks to the fact that we have the power to forgive beyond what we “feel.”  Sometimes, we don’t want to forgive because someone doesn’t deserve it, we have been hurt too badly, or we just can’t be vulnerable again.  But, often times, if we are truly honest with ourselves, when we are not forgiving, it only hurts us.  We feel shackled or tied down when we are giving that power to someone else. 

I have heard someone say that relationship aren’t 50/50….that it isn’t about meeting in the middle.  They say, and I agree, that is 100/100.  It takes both people willing to go all the way to the other one, regardless of their actions.  That is true love or a true desire for a relationship.  That is taking that first awkward step in saying “Hey, I know we have had our issues in the past, but I want something better” or “Hey, I know I have made you mad in the past, can you forgive me for ____.”  None of that is easy, but wow would it be freeing, if we could all do that!
Below is a link to an AMAZING article on the benefits of forgiveness from a health standpoint from the Mayo Clinic.  It really lays out well the stress our bodies and minds are under, if we can’t forgive.

A quote that spoke to me is “If you're unforgiving, you might pay the price repeatedly by bringing anger and bitterness into every relationship and new experience. Your life might become so wrapped up in the wrong that you can't enjoy the present…You might lose valuable and enriching connectedness with others.”

My challenge to you this weekend is to think honestly about relationships that need some forgiveness from you….think about the benefits that you could receive from letting go of that baggage.  I encourage you to do it.  It will make you a more effective educator, citizen, and give you a few more days to travel around the sun! 


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