Thursday, May 29, 2014

Final Friday Flush -- Message from Morgart

Ok, so I outsourced again....thank you to Ms. Morgart for offering to write our Final Friday Flush (say that 3 times fast!).  It is a great topic and a great read!  The inspiration can be found in the blog article attached.


I read an article that made me think about my first few years of teaching. When I started, I taught in an open concept school that literally had no walls. I could hear and see everything that was happening in the other classrooms and as a new teacher, I remember how scary and amazing an environment it was. There were no doors to hide behind…

As educators, I truly believe that we are all committed to being life long learners. It’s what we want for our students and what we model for them every single day. We make the commitment to learn and grow in our profession and we do this out of the love that we have for our kids. Being transparent to what we do everyday is part of that growth. Sometimes we have wonderful and creative ideas to share with others and sometimes we have to be able to answer to the question….did I do everything I could for my class, the lesson, that one child that needs me the most…

It can be uncomfortable. Opening yourself up to your team, staff, and parents can be scary but think of the rewards. We have amazing teachers on our staff that I am sure in no time at all would drop what they are doing to share with you the happenings of their classroom. You just have to ask….and be willing to be open to how we all learn from each other (both our successes and our “not so great” moments). Be willing to answer the hard questions….own it…and gather new ways to achieve success for your students and for yourself.

My door is always open….as many others are too….


Sunday, May 25, 2014

Monday Mush -- Rufo Style

From time to time I love having others write our mush!  Thank you Ms. Rufo for offering to do so.  There are some great reminders in there, and I loved the video at the bottom!   (And, if anyone else ever wants to write one or share your thoughts, I am certainly happy to have you do so!)

Happy Reading and Happy Monday!

Why Did You Become a Teacher?  By Jamie Rufo

Why did you become a teacher? Why did you on purpose, after FINALLY getting out of school.... COME BACK!!??
For me, it's an ego thing. I actually think that what I do MATTERS. I think I MATTER to the kids I get to share a small space with. They grow up, some remember me, some don't. But you can't ever convince me otherwise. I need these kids as much as they need me because I need to do something with my life that matters.
Ask yourself why you do what you do. Is your heart in it? Do you love it? Have you lost your passion and would rather be elsewhere?? What motivates you?

Every year I'm a different teacher. I learn from my mistakes- and man do I make them. (sometimes more than once). But every year I'm better. I'm stronger. I'm more motivated to get out of my comfort zone and meet that maybe not so lovable, challenging kid where THEY ARE, instead of where I am. THOSE kids... Make us better. They make what you do MATTER. 

I had a special young man hold my hand today and tell me that some adults in his life didn't believe him. What a bold statement. 
BELIEVE in your kids. See beyond those eye rolls and short comings. See potential in the ones that don't care. Be that one person that believes them and believes IN them. Because what you do MATTERS!!
Enjoy this video below. I had the honor of hearing Ms. Ooey Gooey herself speak a few years ago, and she's all about kids. 

I just love kids....well then you haven't met enough! LOL

Jamie Rufo

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Friday Flush

I love the sentiments shared by the kids, parents, and the others displayed in the video about what it takes to be a teacher.  I think everyone is impacted by teachers, and we all carry the influence today of at least one inspiring teacher.

As we are pushing on to the end of the year, I thought it quite apropos to remember why we are in this field in the first place.  Right now, it feels like “summer” might be the reason, but I know that isn’t at all why you do what you do.  You do it because you care, and you do it because you have a special gift. 

We are an amazing team, and I appreciate you making a difference for these kids.  It is exciting to think about how years down the road, they will have jobs, careers, and be integral members of society because of your influence. 

I think you guys wear more hats than most professions do.  I love hearing the stat that 98% of teachers enjoy teaching.  You wouldn’t do it without loving what you do.

I hope that you take time to remember why you chose this field….I hope this weekend is a time to rest and be recharged for the “final push.” 

You guys are amazing…thanks for all you do!

Happy Friday!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Monday Mush

This is a website entry from a team of “perception trainers.”  It is a different approach then I typically take, but it is for sure worth the read and the reflection. 

You may be shocked to know that I am not a touchy-feely guy.  I am not a “tree hugger” type either, and I wouldn’t have made a very good Hippie.  But, there is a lot of truth in the 5 questions asked by this group.

I think we all have a purpose…I think we know it when we find it.  I have heard it said that it is like flying a kite….it is quite easy when you are being used for the right purpose.  A kite effortless flies, and it will go higher and higer just because of its design.  You have a “design” too…you have your own strengths, talents, desires, beliefs, attitudes, and values.  That is what makes our team so amazing because together we have so many talents on so many levels.

I will keep my words short for wants to give you ample time to read and reflect.

Thank you for all you do!  Happy  Monday!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Friday Flush

Thank you, Ms. Rufo, for today’s quote.  I think it is a great concept to remember this time of year, and I think there are several ways this could apply to us. 

First, I love the imagery of what we do.  We teach kids.  Kids that are not developed, and they don’t even look like what they will be in some years.  They are small, have a hard shell to protect themselves, and they have amazing potential.  They just need to stay in one place rooted in the promise that one day they will be something quite different.  We as teachers have to help students see the potential down the road…we have to help them stay rooted in who they are and what they know….we need to give them the care they need to continue to grow. 

I think we can also see this imagery in our own lives.  Sometimes it is hard to stand our ground and stay in one place.  Man, it sure would be easier to blow around with the wind, then to stand against it.  But, you need to be able to do that, so you can grow.  I am sure we can all find times in our life when we had the open to “blow around with the wind,” but we chose to stand our position instead.  I bet we developed a stronger character trait through that process.  I bet you are better today because of it.  If you never got rooted or stood for anything, you would rot.  Nuts don’t grow a little and stop when they aren’t planted….they just rot eventually.  They only way to grow is to stand firm. 

It is May.  In education that seems like a battlecry or mantra we should all know.  It seems like the answer to every issue we have.  Kids are crazy, well its May.  No one is focused, well its May.  My team is being snippy, well its May.  I lost my stapler, well its May.  May to me shows us that we are still nuts at times.  Kids, parents, teachers, and administrators all included.  Remember that patience as you put up with all us nuts.  We need it.

Thank you for your vision and your leadership!  Happy Friday!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Monday Mush -- Happy Mothers' Day

Ok, with yesterday being Mother’s Day, I thought this video was quite perfect.  I did so it at the beginning of the year during the teacher in service week, but it is worth a repeat.

Sometimes our plans just don’t seem to work out right.  We might feel like we are dragging others along to fit “into our frame.”  It is tough sometimes when we feel like we are spot on with our mission or objectives and others don’t see the importance. 

I think that is where the concept of “buy in” comes in.  Principals talk about it all the time…how to get buy in from the staff…how parents might buy in…what buy in is being communicated from the community.  Etc.  But, we don’t usually think about in terms of our students.

Can we find a way to get their “buy in?”  How much easier would our job be, if we had them on board.  If they not only knew the plan, but they saw the value and we working to achieve the same goals.

I hope we can take that concept as well to our teams.  We work together everyday, and I know sometimes that can be difficult.  I know that we all have a vision for the week, the unit, the subject, or the concept of study.  Yet, others may have their own perspective….maybe they don’t see the importance…maybe they want to do it a different way….   Whatever the reason, we need to be “in the same picture.”  We all want to be proud of the job on the other end…we don’t want to get to the end result and say “man, that would have been so much better if….”  The only way to achieve that is to be on the same page from day 1.  We need to communicate, compromise, communicate, give the benefit of doubt, communicate, believe the best in everyone, communicate, offer grace more than judgment, and oh yeah communicate (how could I forget that one?!)

Well I hope everyone had a great weekend and a great Mother’s Day…I look forward to a wonderful week…thanks for being a wonderful team, and thank for not smiling like a gopher!

Friday, May 9, 2014

Friday Flush

This quote stood out to me this week.  In life, we are faced with many obstacles, and it is our response to them that defines us.  If we are change positions based on the way the wind blows, we show that we don’t stand up for our convictions.  If we belittle others, we show that we don’t have a respect for those around.  If we only look to succeed at all cost, we miss out on the journey that got us there.

But we can show courage by continue to reach our goals…continuing to do what we know is right….continuing to hold values high.  Teaching and education are difficult things…we have many stakeholders, many objectives, many needs, many students, and many possibilities.  It is overwhelming at times.  Sometimes we have students that aren’t sure they want to journey with us, sometime parents aren’t fully on board, sometimes our team works against us.  We have to have the courage to continue.  The courage to continue builds trust, but it also defines you. 

I appreciate each one of you.  You have a heart and a passion for what you do.  You have a desire to succeed for your students.  You know that what is easy and what is right are often two different things.  You don’t give up, and I see that every day.

Thank you for not focusing only on the end result…there is a journey…a journey that defines you.  Thank you for teaching that to our kids too!

Happy Friday!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Monday Mush

Wow, this video really speaks to it all.  This is exact what I need for this time of year.  I need that motivation for the final push.  I know if I need it, you might need it to, and our kids might need it.  This video is motivated by the movie “42,” and it incorporates quotes and footage from it.  It speaks to overcoming obstacles and remembering our purpose.  We don’t have the uphill climb that he had, but we can put that same mindset to action in what we do.  We have to CHOOSE to be better every day even when others don’t want us to be good.  Others might want to watch you fail or mess up…but we know we have more inside us that can go to higher places.  We have to suppress the emotions that blind the goal….and use determination to focus…

Some messages to think of this week from this:

1.       “I will give you guts” – great people do great things because they have guts
2.       You matter
3.       You will never experience life the way you are supposed to experience life until you realize that you matter
4.       You are powerful beyond measure
5.       You are doing what you are born to do
6.       Nobody can do it like you can…nobody can love the way you love
7.       Born with a purpose
8.       Goodness gives us responsibility
9.       Not only is it possible for you to have your dreams, but it Is necessary that you have it
10.   Go for what is yours….don’t settle
11.   Easy is not an option…life is hard…if it is hard, do it hard
12.   Believe in yourself…it is possible to have your dreams
13.   Align ourselves with people that think like we do…get negative do nothing people out of our lives.
14.   Don’t ever let somebody tell you that you can’t do something…you got a dream, you got to protect it
15.   People can’t do something themselves, they want to tell you that you can’t do it
16.   Can’t nothing stop me now….I am on the move

Thank you for not giving up on yourself and your students.  Thank you for pushing on to your goals.

Happy Monday!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Friday Flush -- Adding Color to your masterpiece

You may have already seen this on Facebook….it was captivating.  I really found myself looking at each photo as they seem totally different. 

I think what caught my eye and why I am using it for a “flush” is that something old and amazing in its own right became a whole new version of art.  Those original black and whites are true masterpieces of photography…some amazing moments in history for sure.  They were done artfully and tell a story.  They told that story well.

But, by simply adding color, the pictures changed.  Parts of the photo that I didn’t even notice stuck out.  The pictures were restaged, re photographed, but simply color was added.  The art that was in the original remained in the color version.

How does that apply to teaching?  Don’t worry, I will tell you…and yes, admittedly, it is a stretch.

But, often times we see ourselves not trusting the new concepts…we know what works…it has been tested…it is beautiful in its own right for sure.  We don’t want to change to something else…why should we when what we have is so awesome.  But, maybe we need to adjust how we view change….

Maybe what we need is to take what we know, and give is more life….Add something to it.  Find a way to help everyone see the whole picture.  It is much less daunting to think of how to make something we have always done have a new twist than start from the ground up, right?

So, this weekend:

Think of 2-3 lessons that are tried and true…in your teaching hall of fame, these will be exhibits for sure….now spruce them up more…make a cross-curricular tie in, extension project, or a way to pull out more rigor.

Think of 2-3 lessons that are tired…they need to be cut from the starting line-up, but the bench is just is too shallow.  What can you do to those lessons to revamp them and make them pop?

If that is all you thought about and changed…that is some productive time. 

As a personal extension and an even bigger stretch…what qualities do you possess that you think are “picture perfect.”  Focus on those qualities…oftentimes we look at what qualities we don’t like about ourselves…  so let’s look at what we do like and how to make it even better.  How can you use that quality more?  How can you bring it out in your life more?  Who still needs to see it?  What aspects of your life would benefit from it? 

You are a great team…thank you for all you do! 

Happy Friday!