Thursday, May 1, 2014

Friday Flush -- Adding Color to your masterpiece

You may have already seen this on Facebook….it was captivating.  I really found myself looking at each photo as they seem totally different. 

I think what caught my eye and why I am using it for a “flush” is that something old and amazing in its own right became a whole new version of art.  Those original black and whites are true masterpieces of photography…some amazing moments in history for sure.  They were done artfully and tell a story.  They told that story well.

But, by simply adding color, the pictures changed.  Parts of the photo that I didn’t even notice stuck out.  The pictures were restaged, re photographed, but simply color was added.  The art that was in the original remained in the color version.

How does that apply to teaching?  Don’t worry, I will tell you…and yes, admittedly, it is a stretch.

But, often times we see ourselves not trusting the new concepts…we know what works…it has been tested…it is beautiful in its own right for sure.  We don’t want to change to something else…why should we when what we have is so awesome.  But, maybe we need to adjust how we view change….

Maybe what we need is to take what we know, and give is more life….Add something to it.  Find a way to help everyone see the whole picture.  It is much less daunting to think of how to make something we have always done have a new twist than start from the ground up, right?

So, this weekend:

Think of 2-3 lessons that are tried and true…in your teaching hall of fame, these will be exhibits for sure….now spruce them up more…make a cross-curricular tie in, extension project, or a way to pull out more rigor.

Think of 2-3 lessons that are tired…they need to be cut from the starting line-up, but the bench is just is too shallow.  What can you do to those lessons to revamp them and make them pop?

If that is all you thought about and changed…that is some productive time. 

As a personal extension and an even bigger stretch…what qualities do you possess that you think are “picture perfect.”  Focus on those qualities…oftentimes we look at what qualities we don’t like about ourselves…  so let’s look at what we do like and how to make it even better.  How can you use that quality more?  How can you bring it out in your life more?  Who still needs to see it?  What aspects of your life would benefit from it? 

You are a great team…thank you for all you do! 

Happy Friday!

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