Sunday, May 11, 2014

Monday Mush -- Happy Mothers' Day

Ok, with yesterday being Mother’s Day, I thought this video was quite perfect.  I did so it at the beginning of the year during the teacher in service week, but it is worth a repeat.

Sometimes our plans just don’t seem to work out right.  We might feel like we are dragging others along to fit “into our frame.”  It is tough sometimes when we feel like we are spot on with our mission or objectives and others don’t see the importance. 

I think that is where the concept of “buy in” comes in.  Principals talk about it all the time…how to get buy in from the staff…how parents might buy in…what buy in is being communicated from the community.  Etc.  But, we don’t usually think about in terms of our students.

Can we find a way to get their “buy in?”  How much easier would our job be, if we had them on board.  If they not only knew the plan, but they saw the value and we working to achieve the same goals.

I hope we can take that concept as well to our teams.  We work together everyday, and I know sometimes that can be difficult.  I know that we all have a vision for the week, the unit, the subject, or the concept of study.  Yet, others may have their own perspective….maybe they don’t see the importance…maybe they want to do it a different way….   Whatever the reason, we need to be “in the same picture.”  We all want to be proud of the job on the other end…we don’t want to get to the end result and say “man, that would have been so much better if….”  The only way to achieve that is to be on the same page from day 1.  We need to communicate, compromise, communicate, give the benefit of doubt, communicate, believe the best in everyone, communicate, offer grace more than judgment, and oh yeah communicate (how could I forget that one?!)

Well I hope everyone had a great weekend and a great Mother’s Day…I look forward to a wonderful week…thanks for being a wonderful team, and thank for not smiling like a gopher!

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