Thursday, October 30, 2014

Friday Flush -- 64 Watermelons

Ok, I probably am showing that I am quite juvenile, but I did laugh out loud (literally) at this quote. 

I think reading this comes at a good time as we finished up our first nine weeks assessments, and we realized once again that kids and problem solving don’t always mix.  But, after the humor of it went away, I realized there are some “teaching takeaways” that can come from it. 

Number 1, often times educators create a world that really only makes sense in a classroom or school.  We create procedures on how to read a passage, we use “tricks of the trade” in math, or we create procedures for dealing with others that don’t work in life.  

So I thought it worth mentioning that we should all reflect on our practices to make sure we are meaningfully connecting the student’s learning to their lives and experiences.  We also want to meaningfully create tools for students to truly use in life.  We want to foster a love of reading, foster a true understanding of math concepts, and foster interactions that are genuine to society. 

Number 2 ties in strongly with number 1, but it still stands alone, in my opinion.  We need to look for and create ways for students to truly picture the solution in their heads.  The difference between a high-achieving student and a low-achieving student is often the ability to visualize the problem (especially in math and science).  For example, all kids can watch Looney Tunes and know when Wyle E. Coyote drops the rope, the Acme anvil will fall.  They get that the heavy object will fall, and the rope/pulley help it be not so heavy.  The visual is given to them.  The high achiever can now automatically picture that pulley when reading a science word problem, or they can draw it out.  The low achieving student still only understands it when they see it. 

Seeing something shown is priceless, but we have to find a way to connect the picture given to the kid to a way that draws their own picture when they read words on a page.  Help you kids visualize.  Have them stop and draw what they are thinking.  Make kids talk through how they are solving problems….

Teaching is tough…but it is also amazing.  We get to talk at the end of the year and say “I helped do that” when our kids are far beyond where they thought they could go.

So this weekend think about how to make school be “more real” to the kids, and help them find a way to visualize concepts more easily.

I thank you for all you do! 

Happy Friday!  Let’s go get some Watermelons…. 

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Monday Mush -- video montage

This is a tad longer than my usual videos….it is also slightly different, but It has some amazing quotes.  Quotes that I think could me a life mantra or a week’s mantra. 

My hope it that from this video you find one quote or thought that gives you inspiration in some part of your life….I hope that you are able to use that to inspire others, reach your goals, and realize that greatness isn’t just for some people. 

I think you are a great team….I think you do great things…I look forward to a great week!

Happy Monday!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Friday Flush -- Do it Now

You know this quote is right up my alley.  I so love that it is succinct and right on target. 

As a parent, we don’t usually buy it when our kids say “oh we will do it later.”  We know that “later” becomes “never.” 

You have heard me say often that I want to write a book to be the next motivational best seller that has one page….”Just Do Something”  would be all the words it would contain.  Oftentimes, people get bogged down on how to start…they want to plan everything out just perfectly….they want all their ducks in a row….they don’t know the best way to begin….the entire goal might seem too overwhelming…..

Starting is the best predictor to finishing.  I love that concept.  If you start it, you are moving towards completion….you will probably actually finish it.  Very small percentages of tasks are started and not completed.  Most uncompleted tasks were simply never started.

So this weekend, I hope everyone can think of a goal that you have put off and start it.  Not plan to start it…really start it.

I thank you for your goals….your drive….your determination.   Whatever your goal, lets do it now and not never do it.  (yes that is a double negative…)

Happy Friday!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Sweaty Monday Mush

I love this quote.  It kinda reminds me of what my dad used to say “Hard work never killed anyone.”  I think I heard that a lot.  I must have complained a lot….but I digress.

Hard work comes at a price, but the benefit is great.  For those of you that may work out, you have a goal.  Weight loss, better tone, healthier heart, etc.  Those goals don’t just happen.  It takes determination and sweat.  The more you sweat, the closer you are to that goal most likely.  Thus why they invented hot yoga, I guess….but again, I digress.

So, we work in a profession that takes lots of sweat and tears….maybe not LITERAL SWEAT, but we for sure sweat lots in the amount of energy we put in.  That hard work is so important and it will have great results.  The more sweat, the bigger the results too. 

I thank you for having the determination to see the goal and stick with it.  I hope this week is a great week for you and your students.  Thank you for your sweat…thank you for giving your best each week!

Happy Monday! 

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Lets take the Stairs -- Friday Flush

I am definitely not “there” yet.  I have lots of unreached goals, and sometimes that feels defeating.  Sometimes the unreached goals can make you feel “not good enough.”  That is why I needed a quote like this.

We are closer to our goals than we were yesterday.  That is inspiring…it is motivating….it keeps me moving. 

This weekend, take time to not just look at your goals….look at how far you have come towards them….look at your journey.  What have you learned along the way?  What enjoyment have you already seen?  Remember to evaluate your effort towards your goals, and take a moment to enjoy all you have done so far.

If you are working with kids that aren’t reaching their goals, encourage them with the same concept.  Focus on what they HAVE done and how far they have come. 

Taking the stairs vs an elevator has been proven to add years to your life by the “free workout” as well as the heart health improvement.  It is also debated as being faster in many circumstances, and we know it is much more energy/cost efficient.

Stairs aren’t easier than they elevator, but that are arguably better.  Our goals aren’t on a floor we can reach with an elevator.  We are taking the stairs….

Thank you for a great week…Happy Friday!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Good to Great

One More Thing…One More Time!  I think the “1MT1MT” motto is amazing.  It is simple and extremely powerful.  The truth that is in that mindset truly separates the good from the great!

Have you ever felt “good” at something?  I am sure you have.  There is something nice in knowing you are proficient…that you are better than some…that you can “get it done.”

But, have you ever felt “great at something?  That is something that goes far beyond the feeling when you are “good.”  You feel dynamic and unstoppable.  You feel proud because it is most likely something you worked hard to achieve…a skill that you honed….a wall that you climbed….something that very few people can do!

The difference in most people moving from good to great is giving that little extra.  I have alluded to the movie “And the Game Stands Tall” where each player has to make a commitment card and give it to a team mate…that team mate holds them accountable for what extra thing they are going to do to condition harder than everyone else.

My thoughts:

1.       It isn’t about doing what you “feel” like doing….if we did that, we would all be watching “Days of Our Lives” or taking naps all day….doing what we “feel” like doing isn’t the answer to being great.  Being great means we push through that “feeling” to something more.  It is the determination to beat the voices that are trying to make us “slow down and take it easy.”
2.       We don’t need to be “normal” and just do it how everyone else does….or we get the same results as everyone else.  Great people do more.  Unmotivated people find it easier to try to make you slow down and do less than for them to do more.  Don’t let them stop you….
3.       We need to do more than our “competition.”  In life that may be a million different things.  In schools, maybe that is the mind set of “well that is all that Abernathy Elementary is doing, so let’s just do that.”  I think we want to do more than those around us to stand out in the pack.
4.       Be ready for the unexpected.  Don’t just do what you “planned” on doing.  Talk to more people than you wanted….stay longer….do more….it will pay off in the end.
5.       What is easy and what is right are not often the same thing.
6.       Great is on the other side of our fears.

Thank you for your desire to do more each day.

Have a GREAT Monday!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

The October Fight

I thought this was a great quote in the month of October.  I am proud to work with you guys.  I know many of you have graciously donated towards the Susan G. Komen foundation in a variety of ways, and I am glad to help out with our jeans days and the upcoming student “Pink Out” days.  It is a great check to send off knowing that 100% goes to such a great cause.

I know many of you have been knocked down with life.  I know many of you have felt that feeling of maybe life wants you to “stay down and not get up.”  You probably have thought about quitting something at some point in your life.  You might have thought about quitting your job here even.  But then something inside tells you that isn’t going to happen.  There is a voice that tells you to get up and face the next day.  There is something in you that proves you will be strong no matter what life is trying to tell you.

We all have that passion and that strength in us.  It is the small fire that keeps us going.  It is the choice we make to be strong.  We know that we have a tough assignment in our career path, but we choose to be strong because we know the difference we are making.  Maybe something is personally going on that you know you have to get through.  You know that on the other side is something better.

Thank you for fighting…thank you for giving your all even when you are knocked down.  October is a tough month in schools…we hit a burnout point….October is a month that highlight “the fight.”  I applaud those that have overcome tremendous obstacles, and I think we can use their drive and determination to do the same.

Happy Friday!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Monday Mush -- We are Marshall

Ok, so back to great football Movie speeches for our Monday message.  This is one of my favorite, and not just because of his cool pants and short tie.

“We are Marshall” is a depiction of the true story of the 1970 plane crash in which the entire team and head coach were killed returning home from a game.  The new team (freshman, 3 varsity that weren’t on the flight, new coaches, and new players) have to learn the game and how to be a team very quickly.  They lose their first game 29-6, and this speech occurs before their first home game.  They do go on to beat Xavier 15-13 in that epic win. 

I think this is a perfect opening to a week as we are pushing towards the first report card.  Remember that statistics shows us that teacher/student disengagement is highest in October and Feb.  Knowing that most schools and students will statistically be more disengaged, helps us make bigger strides to get ahead of the pack.  We also can know that we are subconsciously drawn to “pull back” in October, so don’t let yourself be lulled to sleep!

In his speech, he highlights some very important principles….principles that we need as educators….principles we need for life.  Here are some that stuck out to me:

1.       We need to know our past.  It defines who were are TO THIS POINT. However, it DOES NOT define who we will become.  Knowing our past helps us better plan for the future.
2.       Our “opponents” can seem insurmountable at times.  They seem bigger, better, and more confident.   But, that doesn’t mean the chapter ends there.  Just because statistics tell you one thing, doesn’t mean it is true.  We cheer for the underdog for a reason….we want to see Goliath fall.  What is your Goliath?  Who is your Xavier University?  They/It can be beaten.
3.        It is about heart.  The desire to succeed is the determining factor of success.  It isn’t talent or ability…it is the desire to be better today than you were yesterday….the desire to go around obstacles to reach that goal…the heart to fight for what is worth fighting for.
4.       We need to show ourselves who we are.  We don’t have to prove it to others…we just need to prove it to ourselves and believe that.  It is what we have to “lay on the line.”
5.       We play all out till the final whistle.
6.       We cannot lose or be defeated if we know we gave all we had…no matter the “score.”
7.       How you play “this game,” is how you will be remembered.  What do you want to be remembered for?  Our daily interactions/actions need to be in line with that.

I hope everyone has a great Monday!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Friday Flush -- Journey

Ok, when you think of the word “Journey” what comes to mind?   Ok, once you are done singing “Don’t stop Believin’,” we can continue. 

I think a journey is a great metaphor for the careers that we choose as well as our lives in general.  We often focus our attention, energy, and worry on the destination.  We focus on the end result.  And to some degree that makes sense, that is the part we are “graded on” typically.  But, the end result is the least important factor in my opinion.  I think the most important factor is the journey, the second most is the beginning, and then last is the end result.  We learn in the journey….we grow in the journey….we are able to enjoy lives and our friends only during the journey. 

The great thing about a journey is that it is personal…there are parts that you can walk alongside others, but ultimately each person has their own.  We are responsible for what we learn, what we do, where we go, the goals we set, and our satisfaction in the process.  I struggle with that last one… I can set goals….I can achieve goals….but I don’t have satisfaction in the journey all the time.  I don’t “stop and smell the roses” very well, but that is truly where life is.

How does that relate to a classroom?  Kids all their own journey…they all are headed very different places…they all need tools and guidance.  We help them take their next step, so that they are ready.  But, the journey for them should be a process, and we should find ways to intentionally point out the process to them.  They need to learn that through difficult times, they gain character and determination.  They need to learn that not reaching your goal might teach perspective.  They need to be shown those things, so as adults, they are more equipped to succeed. 

You have a journey…walk it….don’t worry about others.  They haven’t been in your shoes…you have a next step too.  Don’t be afraid if it looks different than those around you.  Take that perspective and realize that every kid in this building needs a next step in some direction.  We can provide that.

Thanks for all you do!  Happy Friday!