Thursday, October 9, 2014

The October Fight

I thought this was a great quote in the month of October.  I am proud to work with you guys.  I know many of you have graciously donated towards the Susan G. Komen foundation in a variety of ways, and I am glad to help out with our jeans days and the upcoming student “Pink Out” days.  It is a great check to send off knowing that 100% goes to such a great cause.

I know many of you have been knocked down with life.  I know many of you have felt that feeling of maybe life wants you to “stay down and not get up.”  You probably have thought about quitting something at some point in your life.  You might have thought about quitting your job here even.  But then something inside tells you that isn’t going to happen.  There is a voice that tells you to get up and face the next day.  There is something in you that proves you will be strong no matter what life is trying to tell you.

We all have that passion and that strength in us.  It is the small fire that keeps us going.  It is the choice we make to be strong.  We know that we have a tough assignment in our career path, but we choose to be strong because we know the difference we are making.  Maybe something is personally going on that you know you have to get through.  You know that on the other side is something better.

Thank you for fighting…thank you for giving your all even when you are knocked down.  October is a tough month in schools…we hit a burnout point….October is a month that highlight “the fight.”  I applaud those that have overcome tremendous obstacles, and I think we can use their drive and determination to do the same.

Happy Friday!

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