Thursday, January 30, 2014

Friday Flush -- No Excuses

Wow…this one got me….kinda like a kick in the face would get me…ok, it hurt.  But, it is crazy how much that saying is accurate.

How many times in life have we come up with an excuse because we are scared?  How many times do we give up because we are unsure about ourselves?  How often do we quit before we begun? 

This weekend, I want to challenge you to think about what you really want.  What do you want in life?  What do you want professionally?  What do you want personally?  What do you want to be known for or characterized by?  If you asked 10 random friends to answer those questions for you, would they get the same answers as you?  Do you live your life in a way that your goals, dreams, and passions are always keeping you moving forward? 

I hope that you things that you don’t give up on.  I hope you find less excuses in your life and more possibilities.  But, above all else, I hope that you pass on the ability to be determined and intrinsically motivated to your kids.  That you help them realize their potential is higher than they may realize.  Help them see that giving up may be easy, but it sure isn’t right or best. 

Thank you for dreaming big and holding high expectations, and thank you for not offering excuses for your students.  We can find a way to achieve what we really want.  I want to encourage you to not give up that “fight.” 

Thank you for all you do!  Happy Friday!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Monday Mush

There is truly a difference in knowledge and wisdom.  Knowledge is grasping the information to be able to retell it, spit it back, and pass a multiple choice test.  Wisdom is taking that knowledge and applying it to situation or problem.  It is being able to understand principles, develop a plan, debate, and it goes much beyond passing tests.

If you have the choice to fly in a helicopter, I wonder which of these pilots you would feel safest with….

A.      A pilot that has read every book on helicopters, and was an A student…he is by far the most knowledgeable pilot in the state…he knows the most…he can tell you the most.
B.      A pilot that is known as being the quick decision maker, lots of flight hours, and the proven ability to maneuver the helicopter in a wide array of settings/climates.

I am all for the smart guy…but when push comes to shove, I want the guy that takes his knowledge to the next step.  I want a surgeon who can apply what he knows to make decisions, not just one that can tell you what the book says. 

I know that is also what we want for our students.  We want them to grow past just “knowing” and get to being “wise” with their learning.  We want to see this pattern in our classes:

In all you do this week, think about how to take it a step beyond just “learning the facts.”  Let kids make decisions from it…let them truly LEARN…thank you for all you do!

Happy Monday!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Monday Mush on Philosophy

“The guest will judge better of a feast than the cook”  -- Aristotle

Aristotle lived from 356 – 323 BC.  For those of you that don’t excel at math….that was a long time ago.   A very long time ago.

But yet, when you read his philosophies, they are by and large VERY applicable today. 

I think this one is very much so applicable to modern day life and what we do in the education business.  It is VERY hard to see our own faults or areas where we are weak.  Often we see ourselves as doing things the “right way” while everyone else is “crazy.” 

I once did a presentation about right/left brain characteristics in teachers that I wanted to call “Why Can’t Everyone just be Normal Like Me??”  I think this is sadly how we walk through life.  The way we do it is “normal,” so it must be the only way.  Thus, making everyone else’s ideas or methods “wrong.”  I will tell you on a team as big as ours, that is dangerous thinking.  There are some times in life that we can all have the right way.  Different doesn’t always mean wrong.

When I cook, I make an absolute mess.  It is easier for me to not worry about cleaning until all the food is made.  I feel that it takes the same amount of time to do it at the end as little bits along the way.  Others cringe at that (my wife included).   This group wants to have the dishes of step one done before you enter into step 2. 

Neither of these tactics is wrong, but I know you felt a burning inside when you read the opposing view.  In a funny way, you felt a burning to say “no you can’t do that way” or “that is stupid.”

We have to be EXTREMEMLY careful in education about this thinking.  It creeps in so easily.  Maybe it isn’t being truly willing to take advice from a parent, maybe you don’t want to try something new a team mate wants to do, maybe you are new here and you don’t like some of the systems in place, or maybe you feel that kids need to learn a topic only one way. 

The world is an amazing place because we don’t all think alike.  We are able to grow stronger because we have different skills, talents, and goals.  When we put those together, we can support each other in a strong way.

I want to encourage you this week to not discount the opinions or methods of others.  I am not saying that you have to take them at face value and mimic them….just don’t write them off.  Don’t let you mind assume people are crazy or not as talented as you.  Don’t assume that they are making decisions to become better every day for these kids just like you are.

Thank you for being a part of this complex team and giving your best every day.  I appreciate what you do more than you know.  Thanks for giving others the benefit of the doubt in a genuine way.

Happy Monday!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Friday Flush Kid President Style

Ok, I do love “Kid President.”  I have to admit I am very biased to his videos.  I showed one at the beginning of the year that was a pep talk for life.  This is one for teachers (and students).

Here are the thoughts I hope you can reflect on this weekend:

1.       It’s time to wake up, people!
2.       Don’t be a bully.
3.       We can all be awesome!
4.       We gotta make history!
5.       Life’s a school, you gotta show up.
6.       No matter who you are, someone is learning from you.
7.       Everyone is a teacher and everyone is a student.
8.       Look for the awesome!
9.       Teachers see the person that we can all become someday.
10.   What do you want to teach the world?  Do it!
11.   Together we are…louder.

I can’t top that….happy Friday!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Monday Mush

To me, this is the perfect way to start a week!  We don’t truly know the power we have over “that child.”  Every class in this building, has several children in which you are their entire world.  They don’t tell you that…they don’t carry a sign with that on it, but it is true.  Some sure don’t even act like it.  But, for that kid, your opinion/attitude/ability love drives their opinions/attitudes/ability to love.  It is a crazy correlation.

You are one person…science can easily prove that one…but science can never prove that power that you have over a child.  That is seriously scary stuff.  You have the absolute ability to make or break a child’s day.  I know you will choose to make it a great day for that child because I know you.  I know you choose to overcome the obstacles to make a positive difference.

I needed this quote because I needed to see that child that ends up in my office as someone I can make a positive impact on.  I can change that child for the better.  They don’t even have to know it.  Kids model what they see.  Kids are driven by praise.  Give a kid praise and a great role model, and you are winning the battle for sure.

I hope this week, you look passed the annoying qualities that a kid may bring to the table…that you look passed their academic deficiencies….that you see that a child needs you.  They need you to see them…to be there for them…to believe in them…you may be the only cheerleader that they have…

Thank you for being the world to your children…thank you for all you do!

Happy Monday!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Friday "Flush"

Could you say this to yourself in the mirror?  Well, I mean, say it and MEAN it?  I certainly hope you can.  You all have so many specific talents and abilities.  You are using them to do amazing things.  Every day you are doing more amazing things.  I hope that you feel that you are in the right place at the right time. 

I hope this weekend, you can fully examine this sentiment.  Are you where you need to be?  My dad use to say “wherever you are, be there.”  If you are meant to be here…then be fully here every day.  If you aren’t meant to be, then there is a place missing out on your talents.  I certainly don’t mean that in a harsh way….I want you here…blessing kids and families.  But, I want you to be where you feel your talents are being used and appreciated. 

I need a team here that can do great things.  I can’t do it alone…we are making strides every day to become better, and I thank you for being a part of this team.  I know we are doing “the right thing” by pouring into these kids, and I know you are the person to do it.  I appreciate you. 

I know you are the right person for the job because you think about good lessons or examples to teach kids all the time….you get up early even when you don’t want to because you have something extra special you need to prepare….you email worried moms/dads even if you think they are “helicopter parents”….you try new things just because it might work….you give when you think you can’t….you love when someone needs it….you are here for a reason…thank you!

Happy Friday!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Monday Mush --2014 is here!

Happy 2014!!!  I hope everyone had an amazing holiday!  I know it seemed to fly by for me, but I was able to “let go” of work for a little bit.  So, for that I am very thankful!  It was nice to charge up and get prepared for the final sprint to the finish line. 

January is always a time for fresh starts and new beginnings.  It is a time of reflection and goal setting as well.  I love that time of year and that mindset.  It is a time where we are optimistic about the future and how to achieve our goals and desires.  Some people make resolutions….some people reflect on the past year…some people focus on one area to study or grow in.  But whatever the path you take, most people focus on becoming better in 2014 than they were in 2013.  Or, creating a way to make 2014 a stellar year.  That all takes goals…planning…sacrifice....determination. 

I don’t set traditional “resolutions” each year.  I find them to eventually be deflating.  If you have a goal to give up cokes, and then you have one on Jan 15th, then your year is shot.  If you have a goal to lose 10 lbs, and by May you gained 5, you don’t focus on that anymore…you give it up.  You beat yourself up about it too, and you feel worse about yourself for not having the drive to complete your goal. 

I don’t think we need to focus on the actual resolution so much, but instead be more intentional.  I want that to be my focus for 2014.  It fits whatever your goal may be, but it gets to the heart of it.  If you make intentional decisions about things, they improve.  If you want to lose weight, you make intentional choices…no doughnuts…go to the gym…you see results.  If you want to learn French, you have to be intentional about setting time aside to practice…you have to plan for money to spend to immerse in the culture. 

I want to be more intentional about relationships.  I want to focus on people, not projects or goals.  I want to focus on relationships in all facets of my life.  That means that I make intentional decisions to be a better friend, dad, husband, boss, and employee.  I want to invest in people and make sure they know that.  It is a big goal for me because it isn’t my strong suit.  But, I can see a huge benefit, so I will choose to be intentional in 2014.

I hope you can join me in that.  Whatever your goal…choose to be intentional…make decisions that bring you closer each day to the vision that you see for yourself.  If people are roadblocks for you in achieving that, it may be a year to re-evaluate them in your lives.  Maybe you need to focus on other relationships…maybe you need to focus on you….

Thank you for investing intentionally with our students….thank you for all you do…2014 will be the greatest year for Huggins yet, and I thank you for being a part of this team.