Sunday, January 12, 2014

Monday Mush

To me, this is the perfect way to start a week!  We don’t truly know the power we have over “that child.”  Every class in this building, has several children in which you are their entire world.  They don’t tell you that…they don’t carry a sign with that on it, but it is true.  Some sure don’t even act like it.  But, for that kid, your opinion/attitude/ability love drives their opinions/attitudes/ability to love.  It is a crazy correlation.

You are one person…science can easily prove that one…but science can never prove that power that you have over a child.  That is seriously scary stuff.  You have the absolute ability to make or break a child’s day.  I know you will choose to make it a great day for that child because I know you.  I know you choose to overcome the obstacles to make a positive difference.

I needed this quote because I needed to see that child that ends up in my office as someone I can make a positive impact on.  I can change that child for the better.  They don’t even have to know it.  Kids model what they see.  Kids are driven by praise.  Give a kid praise and a great role model, and you are winning the battle for sure.

I hope this week, you look passed the annoying qualities that a kid may bring to the table…that you look passed their academic deficiencies….that you see that a child needs you.  They need you to see them…to be there for them…to believe in them…you may be the only cheerleader that they have…

Thank you for being the world to your children…thank you for all you do!

Happy Monday!

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