Thursday, January 30, 2014

Friday Flush -- No Excuses

Wow…this one got me….kinda like a kick in the face would get me…ok, it hurt.  But, it is crazy how much that saying is accurate.

How many times in life have we come up with an excuse because we are scared?  How many times do we give up because we are unsure about ourselves?  How often do we quit before we begun? 

This weekend, I want to challenge you to think about what you really want.  What do you want in life?  What do you want professionally?  What do you want personally?  What do you want to be known for or characterized by?  If you asked 10 random friends to answer those questions for you, would they get the same answers as you?  Do you live your life in a way that your goals, dreams, and passions are always keeping you moving forward? 

I hope that you things that you don’t give up on.  I hope you find less excuses in your life and more possibilities.  But, above all else, I hope that you pass on the ability to be determined and intrinsically motivated to your kids.  That you help them realize their potential is higher than they may realize.  Help them see that giving up may be easy, but it sure isn’t right or best. 

Thank you for dreaming big and holding high expectations, and thank you for not offering excuses for your students.  We can find a way to achieve what we really want.  I want to encourage you to not give up that “fight.” 

Thank you for all you do!  Happy Friday!

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