Sunday, January 19, 2014

Monday Mush on Philosophy

“The guest will judge better of a feast than the cook”  -- Aristotle

Aristotle lived from 356 – 323 BC.  For those of you that don’t excel at math….that was a long time ago.   A very long time ago.

But yet, when you read his philosophies, they are by and large VERY applicable today. 

I think this one is very much so applicable to modern day life and what we do in the education business.  It is VERY hard to see our own faults or areas where we are weak.  Often we see ourselves as doing things the “right way” while everyone else is “crazy.” 

I once did a presentation about right/left brain characteristics in teachers that I wanted to call “Why Can’t Everyone just be Normal Like Me??”  I think this is sadly how we walk through life.  The way we do it is “normal,” so it must be the only way.  Thus, making everyone else’s ideas or methods “wrong.”  I will tell you on a team as big as ours, that is dangerous thinking.  There are some times in life that we can all have the right way.  Different doesn’t always mean wrong.

When I cook, I make an absolute mess.  It is easier for me to not worry about cleaning until all the food is made.  I feel that it takes the same amount of time to do it at the end as little bits along the way.  Others cringe at that (my wife included).   This group wants to have the dishes of step one done before you enter into step 2. 

Neither of these tactics is wrong, but I know you felt a burning inside when you read the opposing view.  In a funny way, you felt a burning to say “no you can’t do that way” or “that is stupid.”

We have to be EXTREMEMLY careful in education about this thinking.  It creeps in so easily.  Maybe it isn’t being truly willing to take advice from a parent, maybe you don’t want to try something new a team mate wants to do, maybe you are new here and you don’t like some of the systems in place, or maybe you feel that kids need to learn a topic only one way. 

The world is an amazing place because we don’t all think alike.  We are able to grow stronger because we have different skills, talents, and goals.  When we put those together, we can support each other in a strong way.

I want to encourage you this week to not discount the opinions or methods of others.  I am not saying that you have to take them at face value and mimic them….just don’t write them off.  Don’t let you mind assume people are crazy or not as talented as you.  Don’t assume that they are making decisions to become better every day for these kids just like you are.

Thank you for being a part of this complex team and giving your best every day.  I appreciate what you do more than you know.  Thanks for giving others the benefit of the doubt in a genuine way.

Happy Monday!

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