Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Final Monday Mush

I think this is the perfect quote to end our “mushes” on this school year.  We have done so much…we have been through so much, but it is important to remember that we are all here for a reason…the kids in your class are there for a reason. 

Think about all the faces in your class…they were there for a reason.  What did you do for them that only you could have done?  What did they do for you?  There is for sure a reason that paths were crossed.  It is a great time of year to look at the growth kids made, to look at specific ways that you helped kids, and to see the ways that your life was changed.

Next year, there will be a new set of team mates, kids, and parents.  I know that they will be needing you for very specific reasons.   I know each of us will be planning on how to be that person that others can rely on and grow from next year.  I hope that we begin to have that vision to see others that cross our paths as potential.  It is exciting to see how there are others that need us, and I truly believe cross our paths for specific reasons.

I thank you for being such a great team this year.  It was a lot of work and we had plenty of ups and several downs, but we did it together, and I hope you can look around and be a better person because of those around you.  I know your students are.

Thank you for all you do!

Happy Monday!

Final Friday Flush

We are getting close!  Summer is for sure almost “loaded!”  It is coming, and I know we are all very ready!  You guys have worked so hard, and you have accomplished so much!

That beach trip, that time in a hammock, reading a few books, vegging out watching movies, and car trips are all in sight.  You have earned it, and I hope that you get to do so many things that relax you.  I hope it is family time, “you” time, and time to recharge.  But we have one more week to make a difference….let’s remember to focus on the kids this week.

This is the last memory they will have of us for a while…it is part of their memories of Huggins.  Let’s make sure this week is about relationships and not just “to do’s.”  I know we have to pack, move rooms, and complete that checkout list.   But, we have kids that want to know they matter to us…they want to be missed…they want to know that we are proud of how hard they worked.  We pushed them hard and had high expectations….they deserve the chance to hear how proud we are of them!

Next week will be a whirlwind, but I can promise you that next week will come to an end…I promise you that your checklist will get done, they always do.  So focus on your kids and your families! 

Thanks for all you do!

Happy last “Flush” – Happy Friday!

Monday, May 25, 2015

"Monday" Mush

Happy fake Monday tomorrow!  We always like a short week!

I am always a sucker for these personality tests, but I thought this one was VERY user friendly and predictive.  It has great information at the end, and it would be a perfect discussion item for your team!

Takes about 10 minutes, and it is quite good!

Happy “Monday”!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Friday Flush -- Nick Nolte or Socrates?

If it is on the internet, it must be true! I research a lot of quotes, and it is always funny who they are attributed to…this one was attributed to Socrates, Dan Millman, and Nick Nolte.  If you don’t really care where it came from, skip on down to the next paragraph.  Well, they are all 3 kind of right.  Dan Millman wrote a book called “Peaceful Warrior” in which there is a gas station attendant known as Socrates.  In the movie edition of this book, Socrates was played by Nick Nolte.  So truly this quote isn’t from the ancient philosopher, but really from Dan Millman in his best-selling book.

So, regardless of who said it….it is still a POWERFUL quote.  We all have a past…some good, some bad.  We all have things we can brag about, and we all have things we wish were very different.  Our energy cannot change those things.  It cannot preserve the good, and it can’t change the bad.  Our future can.

I am not the person I want to be…I won’t ever be able to say “I have arrived,” but I do want tomorrow to be able to say “I am better today than I was yesterday.”  We get that by using our energy is changing tomorrow, not fixing yesterday.  Tomorrow has potential…we truly have a way to change it…yesterday is static and it can’t be undone.

I hope this weekend is a large time of rest as you enjoy a long weekend….as we are close to the finish line think about what is ahead of you! 

Happy Friday!

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Monday Mush -- SEAL Life Lessons

A few years ago, I read this at our “closing meeting” – was going through my “mush folder,” and I thought it was great advice as we start in “graduation speech season.”  Some great “life lessons” with much larger meanings and purposes.

I think that our “day to day” shows our character…our integrity…our heart. 

I will keep my comments brief, so you have ample time to read.

I thank you for your daily dedication to these students and their families.  We are perfect, and some days are TOUGH….but we don’t “ring the bell” and we find a way to laugh even “neck deep in the mud.”

Thanks for all you do!

Happy Monday!  

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Friday Flush

Are you feeling the finish line approaching?  It is coming!  That is a good, good thing…. 

People ask me all the time this time of year, “So things winding down now over there?” Or something similar.   I tell them that we don’t seem to “wind down”….we stay full speed and seem to pick up a crazy pace all the way to the end….we go full speed off the cliff to finish the year. 

I am not a runner…but the few things I have done in a 5K or while jogging prove that I can push myself when the end is in sight.  If I was running aimlessly and didn’t know how long I had to keep it up….I would quit.  I would walk or sit down.  BUT, if I know that the finish line is close and my pain will come to an end soon, I can keep moving.  I can even pick up the pace to get there faster. 

That is where we are now…we have the days numbered…we know it is coming…there is a beach or pool or hammock in our sights!   But, we have lots to accomplish and push through to get there.  There is nothing wrong with picturing the finish line…actually I think it helps you not sit down or start walking!

Thanks for pushing through the end for these kids!

Happy Friday! 

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Monday Mush

Steve Jobs had a life of driven passion and excellence.  He had a vision for how to live each day….of course he had big broad vision, but he took it in chunks.  So each morning he asked himself a simple but highly motivating question…..Below is a short youtube about it:

I hope that vision provides you with motivation.  I hope it provides you the ability to say “yes, I am doing what I should and want to be doing” – I hope that is true for all of us.  I hope that every day we can see the world clearly as we would if we knew our days were numbered. 

Thank you for giving your passion and your energy to tomorrow’s future….thank you for being all in here.

Happy Monday!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Friday Flush -- Reflection Time

Today’s “Flush” is going to be a little different….I often ask for reflection on a topic or idea.  But, this weekend, I will leave it more open ended….I would love for you to find someone to share your thoughts on one of the above quotes with.  Over the phone, over coffee, over email….find a way to process through with a good friend, spouse, or relative.

I believe strongly in what we do as a profession…it is our mission…we plant seeds….seeds that will one day be harvested….and I believe everyone deserves a second chance….a chance to become someone better than the day before.  I know that as educators we see the meaning behind these quotes in our students’ faces.

I hope your weekend is great…full of family and friends and sun…pools are open and we can almost taste summer….but make sure that you find time to reflect and to grow. 

Thank you for all you do!

Happy Friday! 

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Monday Mush -- Teacher Appreciation Week

Happy Teacher’s Appreciation Week! 

You deserve much more than a week of celebration for all you do!  I hope this week that you are spoiled, and that you realize the impact that you have on so many people.  The future will literally be changed based upon you passion and your dedication. 

I appreciate you….I know the hours…I know the tears….I know the pain of putting up with me….You guys are stellar.  You give every day, and you go home time….then, you get up and do it again.  But deep down you are driven to do so because you want a better tomorrow.  You see in kids things that they don’t see in themselves. 

Thank you so much for all you do…thank you for making a difference….I hope it is an amazing week!

Happy Monday!

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Friday Flush

I love this quote….seems to be such a simple statement that leads us to powerful reflection.  This school week alone has had 4 “yesterdays” so far.  If I was better each day than I was yesterday, that is tremendous growth in just a week. 

2015 has had 118 “yesterdays” to date…118!  If I changed one small thing each day, that would be 118 things that have made me better.  I can say that I for sure haven’t done that, but I want to.  I want every day to look at how to be better than yesterday.  I want that to be in my personal life and in my professional life.  I want those around me to see me becoming better.  I want people in my life that expect that of me and don’t settle for good enough. 

I hope this weekend you can see the power of learning from yesterday.  I hope we can all be better each day.

Thank you for all you do!

Happy Friday!

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Monday Mush

Ok, STAAR week is officially over, and these made me laugh probably more than I should have!  With STAAR over, we can breathe easier, and I know the results will show us some great things.  This is a fun time of year as everyone becomes more and more excited about the summer.  We start to look forward to that “energy saving mode” that is coming!  So we know that a couple months of rest and bacon will cure all….we just have to get there!

April and May are long months, but they are beyond valuable in education.  Keep remembering the importance of pushing through to the finish line…next year’s teachers will thank you greatly.  This is a great time to hone in on those skills that next year’s teachers will need.  Start looking at what gaps we can continue to fill. 

The year isn’t over, and that is a good thing.  We want to be able to do our jobs without the “stress of the test.”  So, now we have that….enjoy it!

I hope this week is a great one!   We have a busy calendar the rest of the year….it is time to enjoy the journey and enjoy our students! 

Thanks for all you do!

Happy Monday!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Friday Flush

This video is a type that is popular on YouTube right now….mixing motivational speeches with clips of athletes and movies.  There do an amazing job of putting a “picture in our minds” that goes with the speaker’s intent.  It solidifies their message.

I have seen many of these about overcoming fear, embracing change, and being a person driven to succeed. 

In this clip, there are many powerful messages….many that truly deserves their own time of reflection….I hope this weekend, you are able to reflect on “what you want to be remembered for?”  I hope that we are able to create an environment that allows kids to start to see that they can make choices and decisions that get them closer to their dreams and their “legacy.”  Thank you for all you do in working with kids to achieve that as well as helping them see the power they have in themselves despite their current circumstances.

Here are some ideas that stuck out to me:
1.       People won’t find their sense of “completion” in their wealth or fame.
2.       The effect you have on others is the most valuable currency you have.
3.       Hope is a beggar….hope walks through fire, but faith leaps over it.
4.       He who says that he can, and he who says they can’t are usually both right.
5.       What do you want to be remembered for?
6.       I hope you want to be remembered as a “grinder”…Do not give up on your goals and dreams.
7.       No one should have to convince you to do what you have to do.
8.       It wasn’t their job to take care of me because it wasn’t their dream….it was my dream!
9.       There is always someone on your heels wanting to take what is yours.
10.   You are always replaceable. 
11.   Don’t be outworked…period.
12.   You will fail your way to success.
13.   Not about putting in hours…it is about what you are doing with those hours you are putting in.
14.   You just need to go one more mile…one more day.
15.   There is something inside you that man can’t give you.
16.   Today is the day.

Happy Friday!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Monday Mush

Tomorrow, everyone should reopen their email, and say this to themselves.   Then, you need to remind your students as they walk in….and believe it about them too.

This week is going to be a great week…truly….it is a chance to shine for some of kids doing all that testing.  It is game day, and game day can be quite fun.  Practices are hard…tiring…and we see so many things to fix.  But, game day is a chance to show off all that conditioning….be excited for that.

I know this week will be awesome….believe that….stand in front of the mirror and say it till you believe it….hopefully you don’t get hoarse in the process.

Expectations have been high all year, and this is where you are thankful for that. 

Enjoy the “games” this week….

Happy Monday!  

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Friday Flush

I think this a great quote that talks about keeping our eye on the journey ahead and not weighing ourselves down with the potholes we have already crossed. 

I use the analogy many times about being in a car (yes, you are rolling your eyes now…).  There is a windshield and a rearview mirror in front of you when you are driving.  Both serve a purpose…that rearview mirror lets us see what is behind us, what might be coming, and where we have been.

But it is a small part of what we need to drive….the bigger piece is the windshield….it is probably 50 times bigger than the rearview mirror….it is MUCH MORE important.  It shows us the road ahead, we can see obstacles to avoid, and we see potential. 

Even if our past was great and the road behind us has been amazing….we can’t see what is coming if we only drive in the rearview.  Great things that happen in life are great when we are in the moment....but great things dull as we view them in the rear view….  We want to experience the full GREATNESS of the “next chapter.”

I hope this weekend you can reflect some, but I hope you spend more time thinking of the road that is laid out in front of you.  The cool thing about writing a new chapter is that right now it is blank and has unlimited potential.  It could be anything…

I hope everyone has a great weekend…

Happy Friday!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Monday Mush

I love this pictorial….seems like a striking contrast in perspectives….  I think we often times forget the power that others around us have on us….I think that we always forget the power that we have as teachers and coworkers.

Are you just a “critic” or are you a “critical friend.”  They have some similarities, but they are VASTLY different.

I think the powerful descriptors about each one are the words are the bottom.  Critics are a dark cloud….there is no positivity or hope.   Critical Friends see the potential and the silver lining.   They offer hope in what is to come.

The circumstances could be the same that each group is looking at….but there perspectives completely change the game.  It is how they “frame” the problems they see…  It is the idea of hope and helping someone get better that makes a difference.

Do our students feel that?  Do they feel that we are pointing out flaws or building upon strengths?  Do they feel we are holding them back or moving them forward. 

We all have “dark days”….We all have times that we need support.  Which “camp” do you want to be your support? 

I hope this week is about finding those that give you hope and give you a brighter horizon.  I hope you are that critical friend to others.

Happy Monday!

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Friday Flush

I must admit, I love a good flowchart.  I feel the world would be a better place if we only utilized the flowchart more!  It is logical and simple, so it speaks to me as one that is simple minded….

I loved this flowchart…I think it highlights a few things that are helpful for us to reflect on.

The main question is one that we can all relate to….we all ask ourselves that at some point.  Are we happy?  There really are only 2 answers to that.  It sometimes seems like a complex question, but 2 answers are all of the options….

Sometimes we waste a lot of energy on people that are not happy….we try to change them….we want to figure out how to bring them happy…but maybe they answered “No” twice in the flowchart….maybe they don’t want it.  People have to “want” change.

If you are happy, take some time to enjoy that…look at the things you are doing that cause that feeling and keep doing it. 

If you aren’t happy but want to be….you can look at things to change ….that would lead you back to the beginning and hopefully a different course.

I hope this weekend, you realize the blessings that are in your life…I hope you can realize the blessing you are to others….I am hope you hum “Happy” all weekend too…yes, I know, now it is stuck in your head!

Happy Friday!

Monday, April 6, 2015

"Monday" Mush

I though this quote was cute….I strongly believe in the power of educators that stay positive.  We have a lot of things we could focus us that are negative….things that would drag us down…things that we can’t control or fix….things that waste our energy.

All attitudes are contagious…you can sense a person’s mood very clearly….that is truly of a genuinely positive person as well.  It is contagious.  People that are positive choose to put aside what is “going wrong” with their lives and focus on either what is going right or what could be going right soon.  They truly see a bigger picture.  Today may be dark, but tomorrow has a better forecast.

Positive people focus their energy on making a difference and being better.  Negative people focus on blaming circumstances and being bitter.  One of those positions is MUCH easier to take….that of being negative.  Positive people make a choice….a choice to be better for those around us.

I hope this week is a great week…not just because all things work out perfectly for you….I just hope that we all choose positivity over negativity.  I hope we choose to focus on what we can do, not what we can’t.

Thank you for being “Cinderella” for these kids.  Thank you for being that positive person that sets aside their own baggage to make a dream come true.

Happy “Monday”!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

"Friday" Flush

I think we have all had things in life come on us that seems to make time stand still.  Something that makes all those super important “to dos” suddenly not feel so pressing. 

“What matters” is a subjective thing….what I choose may be very different from what you choose.  But, I think it worth us reflecting on over the weekend.   We have tough jobs and tough schedules to keep…we have lots of demands placed on us from all sides...sometimes we are more scattered than focused.   So this long weekend take a moment to see what needs our focus.  How can we do better at staying focused on that?  How can we let other things “go” to a point that gives us that opportunity to focus.

We I think of us as educators…our students know that we care about the subject matter…they know that we want them to learn….but do they know you truly care about them.   Capturing Kids Hearts is truly school-changing when we focus on making sure we have “captured their heart first” because the head will follow.  That is tough during “testing season,” but certainly just as important.

You are an amazing staff…with so many talents….thank you for sharing those with the kids and families here.  I hope this weekend is a time to share those with your own family and friends.  

I hope you enjoy the super long weekend…you earned it!

Happy “Friday”!

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Monday Mush

This seemed appropriate and funny as we start our first round of STAAR testing tomorrow for a couple grade levels! 

I wanted to thank you for being diligent in what you do…we were able to not be anxious about a “test” because you did your jobs so well every day….thank you for not passing down anxiety onto the kids, and I know that will increase their performance.

Kids know the information…they know the strategies….but more importantly they know your heart and your love for them.  That is a win regardless of the STAAR results. 

I hope that this week you are able to find a way to still make a difference in a kid’s life….find an unexpected way to have a conversation, play at recess, or eat with them at lunch.  Kids stress about lots of things, and I bet we would find that they are not only stressed about school and STAAR, but probably 50 other things.  We can show a lot by slowing down our own worries and fears to just be there for them.

Thank you for all you do every day for kids.  You have given so much for them.  It is amazing to think of the impact that you are making on the lives of so many.  These kids will leave us one day, and they will have more opportunities to build on their knowledge as based upon the love of learning you gave them.  70-80% of them will have jobs that don’t exist today.  They will be doing work that hasn’t been invented yet and they will be making a difference in the world around them.  You job wasn’t to make them successful on that bubble sheet….it was to make them successful in that job or in their life.  We have great kids with great hearts, and I appreciate all you do for them every day!

Happy Monday!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Friday Flush

Love this quote…I need to read it quite a few times.  There are many, many times that I have quotes or stories that I need more than anyone.  I have used this one before, and I think it is probably one that I need the most. 

It reminds me of something I would call a “grand parent quote.”  One that maybe you heard so often you stopped thinking about it…one that almost sounds too cliché like “a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush” or something.  But, quotes in that category are compelling because they are simple, catchy, and right on the money. 

Too often, we get distracted by all things that are shiny, and it seems are lives are getting more full of shiny things.  We are pulled by work, family, hobbies, and a long laundry of to do’s that don’t seem to stop.  But, what matters isn’t on that list.  That to do list needs to get done, but it shouldn’t be our goal each day.  Relationships should be.  That is why we chose the field that we are in.  You didn’t decide to be an educator to grade papers, answer emails, or run copies….you chose it to make a difference for kids and invest in their lives.  When kids know that you are there for them and truly care for them, the other stuff becomes easier.

Just remember that today only happens once…those people around you aren’t always going to be there in the same way.  We can capitalize on that moment by being ready for it.   When someone interrupts your “plan” or your to do…remember that people are the most important thing.  We can learn from others, and that relationship is what actually makes us a team. 

I hope this weekend is a time of relaxation for you.  I hope you are able to reflect on being all there wherever you are.  Thanks for being a part of this team!

Happy Friday!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Monday Mush

If only it were that simple, right?  I do love this quote…you know I still want to write the worst shortest self-help book that is called “Just do it.”  This quote could be on the back cover….it would also technically be longer than the book.

Sometimes, in life we see things we don’t like.  It could be about ourselves…our job…our kids….our car….our lawn….our (fill in the blank).  We spend so much energy and so much time feeling bad about that “thing.”  We feel pressure to change it and shame when we don’t….we feel a desire for better but are drawn to resisting change.  We like the known quantity that we get with “now,” and we dread the work that goes into to finding the “that.”

What are those things in your life that you want to change?  What are the things that take away your joy?  What are the things that make you feel shame that you still haven’t changed? 

I think it is time to wake up and make the change. 

I often joke that about the silly “just do it” book because that is the first step.  Sometimes decided what type of diet or what type of conditioning isn’t the most important first step.  It is deciding to do something that creates a change. 

I hope that each day we are better than the day before….I hope we see the need for change and do that when we truly want that…

I appreciate all you do every day….thank you for all of your hard work!

Happy Monday!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Friday Flush

Forbes magazine just researched and released the “top 20 most important tools” in history.  Yes, I know what you are thinking…”People got paid to research that?”…yes, I guess they did….so now we can move passed that.

Now the ground rules were that it had to be a tangible object.   It couldn’t be a tool like “your mind,” “language” or “love.”   I found it interesting that they claimed, if they left it that open, language and knowledge would for sure be among the top.  

I could take this in several directions…but I wanted to point out a couple of my observations:

1.       The abacus and the pencil are in the top 5.  That shows the power of what we do each day.  The tools of our trade are the most important in the world.  Both are driven by and to create more intellect.  The pencil is a tool that takes what is in our brain and preserves it for all time.  It allows us to not be bound by the audience that can hear us…it truly allows us to share ourselves with the world.  I think we should remember the power of that pencil in our teaching because we are training children to use their mind and abilities in a way that connects them with others.  The abacus gave us a way to organize numbers and utilize math concepts.  It is the predecessor to the slide ruler, calculator, and ultimately the computer.  Organizing numbers is a vital skill that actually transformed history and cultures.
2.       All of these items are somewhat “simple.”   They are also items that changed the world.  They made life easier or made us more productive.  They were the basic building blocks of more invention, and they took us giant leaps from where we were.   I was struck by the fact that one person took the time to see a need and meet that need.  Then it actually transformed history.  So one person…most likely nameless to us…changed our world.   There are things that are out there that someone just needs to invent…they may be simple, and they may change the world.  Our kids need to have the background knowledge to understand science, math, and language, and they need to understand how to see a problem and look for a solution.  They need to think out of the box enough to be a problem solver.  I am sure all the guys holding a sharpened stick kinda laughed at the first guy to throw a hook in the water until they realized he wasn’t going to be hungry. 

This weekend reflect on the power of what you do…your audience….their potential.  We have an important job that uses important tools.  Don’t forget that.

Happy Friday!   

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Happy Monday -- Success!

Welcome back!  I hope that everyone is super rested and fully ready for a great final stretch of the new year.  This is an exciting time of year because we are starting to see those light bulbs kicking on and burning brightly. 

I thought this quote was a wonderful perspective….it truly is why we do what we do.  We want to create the drive, talents, and skill sets for students to be better than we are!  That takes a lot of selflessness to accomplish, but that is the heart of who you are.  You serve this kids everyday to give them a better shot than they had without you and maybe a better shot than you personally had.

We want to teach children that they CAN do because there are people that truly believe in them and won’t stop pushing them forward.  EVERY child has a next step, and I know that you look each day at how to help each way take that step.

I appreciate your heart and your work ethic….I appreciate your drive for SUCCESS.  Our kids will be successful, and it is 100% because you are driven to make sure they are not only proficient at a skill, but they are masters at it.

Thank you for all you do….you are teaching success daily, and that is a slow lesson.  Make sure you take a step back and see how far your kids have come this year solely because of you. 

Happy Monday!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Friday Flush -- Spring Break -- Rest time!

I think that is enough said….you made it to Spring Break….it is officially time to rest!  You have earned it.

I appreciate you guys….I hope everyone has a tremendously restful and fun Spring Break….resting is for sure a part of being productive…don’t work too much, so that you return tired.  We need you ready for the final stretch, so enjoy turning off work mode for a while. 

Usually on a Friday Flush,  I ask you to reflect or think about or share about…..but this time….just rest…no thinking….

Happy Friday and happy spring break!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Monday Mush -- Teamwork

I really laughed at this picture.  Found it on the internet, so you know it has to be legit.  I think there is probably no better picture of teamwork than is being displayed there. 

Both of these boys are probably stuck in a store while parents are shopping.  So they could stand and play…but that get tiring….they could sit on the floor, but that is just too far from the screen.  So they devised this kid plan.  And, in a brilliant fashion that my personal kids wouldn't do, they share time!  They actually take turns!   So they both have a time of discomfort to help the other, and they both have a time of increased comfort because of the other.

That speaks volumes to what we do here for each other and for kids.  Sometimes there are ways to do something by ourselves, but that gets tiring or it keeps us too far from our goal.  So we need a plan.  We need a team mate.  We need someone to support us and go through some extra work or discomfort to help us, and we need to be willing to go through the same thing to help them out. 

Are we willing to go out of our comfort zone to make something a little bit better for someone else?  Or do we just think “oh they will be fine on their own” or “I am not doing that”?  Do we accept the help from others, but shy away from giving help? 

Teamwork doesn't mean the task is easy….it doesn't mean that it is easy on everyone at the same levels.  Think of the stereotypical geese analogy.   When they fly in the “V” pattern, the front goose doesn't have it easy…that actually have it much, much harder than everyone else.  Then, it is someone else’s turn.  So collectively, the entire trip is easier based on teamwork.  I doubt they have a goose timer too, so that each goose does exactly the same amount of time.  They each do what they can handle, and they each accept their part. 

I hope this week is a week of respect and teamwork.  Think of those that might need help and help them….even if they could do something alone…maybe there is a way to bring them comfort that they need you for.

Thanks….and Happy Monday!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Friday Flush

I have had the pleasure to hear her in person…she is truly amazing.  It is a pretty long video, so make some time to watch it.  I won’t write too much, so you can spend your time watching and reflecting.

Here are some of my “take aways” from watching it….jot down your list and/or share your thoughts with someone!

·         There is value and importance in human relationship
·         No learning can occur without relationships
·         Kids don’t learn from teachers they don’t like
·         I am somebody…I was somebody when I came here…and I will be a better somebody when I leave.
·         “Plus 2 says I ain’t all bad”
·         Leave a legacy of relationships
·         You won’t like em all, but they can never ever know it
·         We teach anyway
·         Teaching and learning should bring joy
·         Every child needs a champion
·         We are born to make a difference

Happy Friday!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Monday Mush

Love this quote….I think it is quite fitting this time of year too.

We for sure have lots of obstacles…we have lots of things in the way of our goal.  That must mean it is a path that is heading somewhere good! 

I appreciate all you guys do every day….I do brag on you….I know the deck seems stacked against us sometimes, but you hang in there and play the cards you are dealt so well!  You are making a difference for every student in the building, and your dedication shows.

Don’t question your path…you are doing the right thing for the right reasons….what is “right” and what is “easy” are usually not the same thing….so we are definitely doing the right thing as it is a HARD job for sure!

Thank you for all you do….thank you for fighting against the obstacles to make it to our goal.

Happy Monday!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Friday Flush

It was a long week for sure, but it was really, really good….I saw some amazing teaching for sure.  I also saw some people that were choosing to take a positive road instead of that negative one. That is a huge thing on campus when we continue treating others with grace and respect.  I appreciate everyone taking a step back to realize that this time of year, we all need a little extra “cushion.”

We are a successful organization….we aren’t successful because of any one person, our parents, our students, or because of luck.  We are successful because of the image above.  We do … we do again…and again….  Persistence is what “wins.”   Teaching and education are tough fields, and we all have days that we want to stop or we need summer now…..but we gear up for another day, and our persistence makes a difference.

This weekend, try to reflect on something in your life you consider to be a “success.”  Did it just fall in your lap?  Was it “easy?”  Most likely, it was something you held in high regard and you stopped at nothing until it was achieved. 

I hope that same is true for every kid in your class….some things that work for other students may not work for “that one”….so we do and do again and again and keep on doing….  

Thank you for your passion to teach…thank you for persistence in teaching….and thank you for your respect for those that are here with you!

Happy Friday!

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Monday mush...not some day!

"The worst day of the week is SOME day, and the best day is TODAY!"

I love this quote...so simple and so powerful.  That is probably my opening line of so many "mushes," but so fitting.

Many times in life we talk about doing things "some day"....it is a day that never seems to fully come...it is a day that only exists in the dream world.

However, TODAY is reality...it is here and something great is possible.  

I firmly believe that if we spend more time in "today" and less in "some day", we will be happier and more efficient.  

What are your "some day" wishes?  Is there anything you can do "today" to get there?  What can you do today to make it better than yesterday?

Thank you for all you do! 

Happy Monday!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Monday Mush

I thought this was a funny video to start off the week!  I hope that everyone finds it as funny as I did…and sadly a lot of truth to it. 

We are all victims of procrastination…it is scary how it can creep in.  We take more time and energy avoiding a task than it actually takes to do it sometimes.   In a video “book” that I have shown a few times (www.eatthatfrogmovie.com) Brian Tracy quoted William James in saying “procrastination is attitude’s natural assassin”.  That is so true!

I hope this week, you are able to see the “frogs that you need to eat each day.”  I hope that gives you energy and that will strengthen your positive spirit.

I think you are all amazing at what you do!  I appreciate your work ethic and your attitude at work.  Take a look this week at what needs to be done in your life and DO IT!

Happy Monday!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Friday Flush -- Marshmallow Test

I have probably used this video before, but I do love it.  It is one of my favorite cute videos, but I truly think there is a deeper message in all of it that speaks to us.

We are often promised something down the road that we cannot see.  We know it is there, but what is in front of us at the moment gets our attention.  I am sure there are 1000 directions to take that lesson….but how does it apply to us as educators? 

We can teach/educate in a way that takes the “quick route” – maybe that is the easy way, low-hanging fruit, or it is the less complex way to handle a problem.  Maybe it is an activity that keeps the kids quiet, easy to grade, didn’t take much planning, or something that we know is “good” just not “great.”

We can also teach in a way that takes much more personal endurance…we can teach with patience….knowing that going deeper is slower, but later will double the rewards.  Maybe it is spending time creating a new activity because you know it can be twice as good.  Maybe it is simply knowing that investing time now will take patience, but you need to stick it out.

However you take the video….spend some time over the weekend to reflect on how it can help you be a better you! 

Happy Friday!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Friday Flush 1/22/15

Ok, this is a 72 question “self assessment” – so I won’t type much.  It is basically a form of the “Myers-Briggs” test that scores your in 4 different categories.  It finds out if you are more of an introvert or extrovert, more Intuitive or Sensing, more Thinking or Feeling, or more judging or perceiving.  It indicates if those “labels” are slight, moderate, or strong. 

Then it describes your type as well as tell you other famous people with the same “label.”

We are all different…that is what makes relationships great and teams work.  But, it is worth knowing ours and sharing with others that we work with.  It helps us understand them more and be a stronger team mate.

I am an INTJ….no surprise on any of those at all. 

Enjoy the test….tell your team mates and family. 

Happy Friday!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Monday Mush

I love this quote…I have used it in several other parts of different “mushes” throughout the years, but I think it is a “stand alone” quote this time. 

The comparison game is one with only losers….there truly is no way to win.  When we start to see what others have and compare it to us, we will ALWAYS find somewhere that we are being “beaten.”  Someone will have more money, a better house, better kids, or a better car….someone will not struggle with weight, making friends, or jealousy….someone will be a better athlete, cook, or organizer.   There is no way to win.  We are taking their “highlight reel” and comparing it to our bloopers.

The most dreaded problem that we face is making a “super person” to be jealous of….it makes the insecurity problem exponentially worse.  We take a good characteristic of person A, another good part of person B, another good part of person C, and we take the best qualities from another 6 people.  Then, we make this fictitious person in our heads that is ALL of those things at worse.  So now our standard is not just high….it is unrealistic.  So you are guaranteed to lose.

So how do we fix this issue…it seems a part of “who we are.”  I think the best cure is looking at what you have and not what you don’t.   Your new car seems super nice until the next year’s model comes out…the iphone 6 is totally the best…well until the 7 comes out.  We don’t need to view out lives by what we don’t have….we view it by what we do have.  

We are taught to not be selfish…we are taught to look to the needs of others before looking at our own needs.  But, I think we need to be a little more selfish sometimes.  I think we need to focus on ourselves in looking at the good.  What blessings do you have…what brings you joy that you currently have….what qualities do you possess that you are proud of?   I was in Africa several years ago in remote villages that essentially had nothing…truly.  But, they had more joy than most Americans have that are stuck in the rat race. 

This can be something that seems focus on “stuff,” but we also do this with qualities in people.  We need to be careful.  We need to remember that EVERYONE is real and not the person that appear to be just on Facebook or Instagram. 

Thank you for all you do every day! 

Happy Monday!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Monday Mush

I love this movie, and I love this concept.  If you haven’t seen “We Bought a Zoo,” I would suggest you add that to your queue.  It is a great true story that details a family that made some radical choices with some very cool outcomes. 

Throughout the movie, he discusses this concept.  That it takes 20 seconds of crazy courage to change your life.   Think back in your life to times that you had to make a change or that you wanted something so bad, you broke out of your comfort zone to accomplish it.  Maybe you started a relationship, stopped a relationship, quit a job, found a  job, or a whole host of other possibilities.

Courage is a concept that is important to all of us.  We all need it from time to time…it got us where we are today.  We need to make sure that our students know that they have it.  They have to know they have the courage and awareness to make their own decisions.  They can control their destiny as well as control how the world views them.  We want both of those to be positive. 

As you go along this week, look for ways to show kids they have courage…look for ways they can grow and change by simply making the decision to trying it.

If you are looking for something personally yourself, maybe it is time to invest 20 seconds to get there…..

Happy Monday!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Friday Flush

Love this quote….it can be truly life changing in so many ways.  I think that we all have our comfort zones….I love my comfort zones and my ruts.  I feel safe there…and all quantities are known variables.  Also the most I can achieve or the best I can is also a known variable.  I am a bad golfer…always have been…I know that I will play the day with about 1/3 good shots and the rest all bad.  I will shoot about a 95.  That is all known.  Now, if I truly wanted to be good, I would have to change something.  I would have to practice that change.  I would have to “ride the storm” of change so to speak.  I would have to be willing to go play several rounds where my game might be worse as I try to change a bad habit in my swing.  I might score over a hundred or what if I go through all of that and I score the same? 

That is a simple (and admittedly bad) example, but in life (and teaching), we have to change something to get something we never had.  If we do what we have always done, we get the same things we always had.  It is simple and timeless.  We have to make ourselves stretch in order to grow.  But, we aren’t “growing” just because it is fun or makes us a better person.  We are growing because it gives our kids more…it helps them.  If we want them to be a class like we have never had before that achieves things we never thought possible, we have to change in ways that makes us uncomfortable for a time.  We have to take risks to be better for them.

I hope this weekend that you do 2 things.  1.  Look back on your life and think of a time you changed something that gave you a result you would never had gotten otherwise.  How did that feel?  What did it take to do it?    2.  What is something that you want change professionally?  What do you need to do differently to do that?

I know that life sometimes feels like a hamster wheel…we are always moving...but we aren’t going nowhere….Education is a very slow moving process, but we are moving forward.  Look at how far we have come as a campus….look at all you have personally overcome and changed in your life.

Happy Friday!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Monday Mush -- taking out the trash

Admittedly, I haven’t seen this movie, but I came across this clip.  I think it has a great message as today we start the second half of the year.  It is time to “take out the trash.”  But, we also need to see where in our lives personally that can come into practice. 

The future is where we have our goals…that should be our focus.  If we focus on the past, we don’t achieve anything.  We need to jettison those issues in the past that our holding us back and look to what is possible for us in the future.

I know that we all have regrets in the past….that makes us human.  We also have relationships that we don’t need or habits that it is time to break….that all can start with a simple decision.

When you take out the trash, you stop what you are doing and separate the good from the trash.  Then you take it somewhere that it won’t come back in.  We don’t simply sweep trash against the wall and call that good…we bag it, and take it out to the curb. 

In life, our trash needs to be dealt with in the same manner.  We can’t ignore it or sweep it to the side.  We have to intentionally “bag it” and find a way to make sure it is gone.  We need room in our “house” for the good…

Thank you for all you do…looking forward to a great second half.

Happy Monday!!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Friday Flush

I love this quote, and I think it is a great reflection piece for over the weekend. 

One of the burdens that we carry as educators is that every kid that we are over reaches their full learning potential.  We want to make sure they leave us with all the knowledge and all the skills that are possible.  We truly want them to be successful in all that we do….that is a lot of pressure…that is a big burden.  But, there is for sure another way to look at it.  We primarily have a job to inspire and to create a thirst for knowledge for our students.  We don’t necessarily have to show them “what to see” as much as “where to look.”

What a child will “see” or learn will surprise you.  Investigation is the way we all learn best.  If you touch the stove and it hurts, you don’t touch the stove again.  If I want to see how a clock works, I have to take it apart.  Trial/Error and exploration give us the motivation for learning.  Our kids need to have time to explore, time to research, and time to mess up.  In a video game, if I die because a stalactite fell on me while in the gloomy cavern level, then I will quickly learn to watch out next time.  Does is shake before it falls?  Can I run under?  I am more aware of what is going on.

The same is true of our learning….if we mess up, and we have to go back and fix it, we are more aware…we pay better attention.  I have heard of basketball coaches that make the player that misses a shot stay exactly where they are on the court.  If the ball can be rebounded offensively, then they get the next shot.  Many times, that player is most likely to make it because he felt the “wrong shot” and can correct it.  He is more likely to make it if given the second chance. 

I hope this weekend  you think of a couple practical ways to point a child’s eyes to learning.

Happy Friday! 

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Monday Mush

I hope everyone found time to rest this weekend….weekends are so great for recharging, catching up, and enjoying family.  I hope you got to do something that you enjoy!  The weekends are also a great time for reflection. 

I thought this quote was perfect to remember during reflection.  I sometimes have a hard time seeing everything that needs tweaking or fixing.  This is at work, is my leadership, as a dad, as a spouse, or as a friend.  There are lots of things to improve.  But, the good news is I don’t have to be perfect. 

I think we all have real life heroes.  We often put them on a pedestal, but we also can see by looking at their lives, that they weren’t perfect.  A lot of times there were faults that actually made them stronger…made them “real.”

I am proud of you guys every day….I am proud that you want today to be better than yesterday…but I also know that we have to give ourselves and each other the grace to not be “perfect.” 

Thank you for all you do! 

Happy Monday!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Friday Flush -- Stay in Your Lane

“Stay in Your Lane”

I didn’t play special teams much when I played football, but we still occasionally practiced for if I ever had to step in and play during a kickoff/punt.  My job was to run down the field and tackle the guy with the ball.  Sounds easy.  There were 10 other guys trying to do the same thing with me…how hard could it be? 

The problem was this.  The guy catching the ball…well he is really fast….I mean way faster than me…he also really doesn’t want to be tackled.  Oh, and then he has 10 guys that know which way he is running that are bigger than me….and they don’t want me to get near him.  Ok, so not as easy as it sounds. 

I can still hear coaches yelling for us to “stay in your lane” as we are running down the field.   After doing enough wind sprints after practice, I finally learned what that meant.  We were “drawn” to the ball and the player carrying the ball….if all 11 of us ran directly to the ball, then that leaves a whole side of the field open.  Since he is faster, he could change directions and score easily .  But, if we stay in our lane, we create a “net” that moves down the field…no matter where he jukes or runs, there is a team mate there to stop him.  This works, but it can be very difficult.  When I was on the far right side of the field and the ball was kicked to the left side of the field, it was very hard to run straight with nothing in front of you.  It seems that I was missing out on the action….it felt like I wasn’t being helpful….but it was exactly where I needed to be.

How does that have ANYTHING to do with us as educators besides fitting with our football theme?  I am sure you are starting to see some ways.

Here are some I thought of:

·         We often get caught off guard paying attention to something out of our lane.  When we are drawn to that, we are pulled away from our mission.
·         We don’t help our team, when we don’t do our job.  The “net” only works when everyone does what they said they were going to do.
·         We often “get burned” when we try to take a shortcut.  It seems easier to chase the action, but once we are out of our lane, we create a hole in our team.
·         Together we can do something that none of us can do individually.  
·         We serve a purpose even though sometimes it may not feel like it.
·         We need others.
·         I think we become weaker as a team when we focus on what others have or do, what gossip is out there, what things we don’t like, etc.  Staying in our lane means keeping our head up and looking at OUR responsibility, not that of others. 

Thank you for being on our team….I hope that we all have a great weekend.  Thank you for how you “stay in your lane.” 

Happy Friday!