Sunday, September 29, 2013

Monday Mush

We have undoubtedly one of the hardest professions because there are times when it seems that we are doing the impossible.  We are teaching those that may not want to be taught, putting boundaries up where people don’t want them, and teaching skills to those that may not know how much they will need them.  But we don’t give up.

We all have had goals in our lives that we have wanted so badly that we would stop at nothing to get them.  That is how you guys see your jobs.  You know the risks…the odds against you…but you dawn the helmet and make a run for it! 

I appreciate what you are doing this week for these kids.  It does matter, and you are geared and ready!  Thanks for all you do!

Happy Monday!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

"Fake Friday" Flush

“People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily” - Zig Ziglar

I thought this quote was a perfect way to start the long weekend which is just the motivation that we need to keep pushing on. We all need motivation…we all need it often. As teachers, we know that can’t wind up a kid once and expect them to “keep ticking” all year long. They need that daily. So, don’t lose heart as you feel like your motivation doesn’t “stick.” 

It Is amazing how much dedication it takes to do your job well. I can tell that you don’t take it lightly, and that is a blessing and a curse. I know you get stressed because there is so much on your plate….but you know what I am going to say….you are stressed because you CARE. So, thank you for stressing….thank you for giving 100%....thank you for making each day better than the one before. 

Remember that next week, the kids need the same attention, love, and motivation that they did on day 1. They need you. You are here for a reason, and I know you can make a difference. Don’t be hindered by what you have or haven’t done before. This week’s canvas hasn’t been painted, so dream big! Yes, I know that was a lot of clichés, but still valid! 

Thank you for what you do…thank you for motivating kids to do more than they thought possible. I LOVE hearing from parents … “Wow, I can’t believe my kid could do that.” And that is possible on all grade levels, with students with any “label”, and no matter what their economic background. 

Happy Friday!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Monday Mush 9/23/13

I think we can identify with this quote because we chose a mission that invests in tomorrow.  We know that our time is finite…but we are choosing to spend the majority of our time in something that matters.  Something that is MUCH greater than ourselves….something that will exist when we are gone. 

Our students truly have unlimited potential in front of them…you have heard me speak of their “blank canvases.”  They can paint a masterpiece, and we can be the ones that give them the inspiration to do it.  We want students to find their passion and their desires...we want to help them find a way to be intrinsically motivated to achieve their dreams. 

So, thank you for investing your time in these kids…thank you for giving yourself for them.  There are days when you are tired, I know.  But, that energy is not wasted…that energy is lighting a fire that will be burning for years and generations to come.  Some days that is what gives me comfort when I am falling on the bed dead tired from the day…I picture the energy that I lost throughout the day spreading through others….and then it doesn’t seem depressing…it is inspiring.

I appreciate what you choose to do every day…Thank you for creating something that will last beyond our lifetime…something that we might not ever get to see….something that we might not even be able to imagine.

Thank you for choosing to be here…I am glad we are a team.

Happy Monday!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Teamwork....Friday Flush 9/20/13

When I read this quote on Monday, it stuck with me all week.  Our school is comprised of SOOOO many teams that we are quite a complex machine.  Our school as a whole is a team, our grade levels are teams, our classrooms, our parent/teacher groups, our vertical groups, specials, programs, curriculum departments, and on and on and on.    We are completely and 100% reliant on teams.  We can’t do this alone and we shouldn’t even want to. 

I think this year is also quite unique because our school culture is changing.  Every team has new personnel on it…  There are so many new families to the area….  We are seeing a shift of students coming out of private schools again.   This are WONDERFUL things, but have their challenges.  We need to be real about facing them.  Everyone comes to the table with various strengths and background information.  They come to the table with “this is what works for me” or “this is what I believe” or “this is how I do it.”  All of those are valid thoughts and notions….where the line gets fuzzy is when we distort those comments by saying “this is what works for me, so it must be the only way” or “how can anyone believe that?” or “how I do it is right, so your way is therefore wrong.”  This aren’t always conscience thoughts…they are part of our DNA…they are part of our self-esteem designed to protect us from feeling like we are not doing something well.  We all want to be the best and to know everything, but I would hypothesize that we can only do that by working together.  Guard yourself against those creeping in “fuzzy thoughts” that bring others down in some way.  There are situations where we can all be different AND all be right.  There are times we can use those differences to build bridges, not walls (yes, I know cheesy, but it fits)

We need to focus on 1 aspect of teamwork, in my opinion …  Supporting each other

How do you do in answering these questions below?  They are NOT all easy to answer by any stretch….I would challenge you to think over the weekend about how YOU personally answer these questions.  I cannot make someone else answer them in a certain way, but if we all focus on the positive pledge in ourselves – then we are taking steps in the right direction.   I think if we nail down being supportive to our teams, then all aspects of teamwork fall into place…trust, safety, shared responsibility, and etc. 

No matter what…can my team count on me to support them? Do they trust me to have their best interest at heart?  Do I give my team the benefit of doubt every time?  Am I happy for their successes?  Am I happy that they have other strengths than I do?  Am I willing/safe to share my weaknesses with them?  Are my annoyances based only on my personal preferences?  How can I share better with the team?  How can I support better?  How can I be supported?  How can I share my needs safely?  Am I doing my part?  Are we safe to discuss our problems?  Does everyone know that I am glad they are here?  Am I a positive “light” for the team or an “energy vampire?”  When was the last time I acknowledged a team mate’s success?  When was the last time I said thank you to a team mate?  Do I truly want my team to succeed and do I see myself as part of that process?

You guys are truly amazing educators…you do amazing things every day.  I thank you for doing everything you can for the students here.  Thank you for putting up with the annoyances of our profession and putting up with me….I know that is no easy feat.   Continue to look for ways to support because I KNOW that we are better together.  I think of a simple pulley when I think of teamwork.  Lifting a HUGE crate off the ground would be impossible by myself.  If I visualize others as pulleys, the “load” gets easier and easier, the more I add.  So, let’s focus on being pulleys for others and not a knot in the rope.

Happy Friday!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Monday "Mush" -- 9/16/13

I usually write a lot for a mush…not this time.  The attachment says it all.  Thanks, Jenna for sharing this with me.

You guys matter – thanks for what you choose to do every day!

Happy Monday!


Thursday, September 12, 2013

Friday "Flush" 9/13/13

“You cannot teach a man anything, you can only help him find it within himself” – Galileo Galilei

I love the quote above.  I think it really hits the center of the target of the goals that I have for the students on this campus.  It is our desire, as educators, to tap into the well of “discovery” in each child. Without that longing to discover, students can’t truly take ownership in their own learning.

I took part in the first stages of a committee that is designed to help develop a technology plan for the future of LCISD this week.  Our committee was made up of central office personnel, teachers, librarians, paraprofessionals, community members, administrators, and students.  It was neat to see all the perspectives working together to create a new vision for technology integration in LCISD and the community.  One of the groups was looking at the idea of discovery learning, and they stated that once a child's “curiosity” is gone, they stop learning.  We have all heard the saying that if you ask the average Kindergarten class who is a good singer….they all raise their hands….if you ask who is a good dancer….they all raise their hands….if you ask who is good at math….they all raise their hands….if you ask who is a fast runner….they all raise their hands.  Now, do the same in a jr. high or high school….you probably won’t get many hands.  Somewhere in the educational process, students begin feeling defeated, and I think that happens to curiosity as well. 

Over the weekend, look at what you do as a teacher to foster the curiosity of your learners.  Is there a method or tool that would help you more?  What about your own personal children or family?  Is there a way to help them develop by tapping in their curiosity. 

It is my hope that we are a school of discovery learning…it builds on itself.  Not only will students be motivated and driven, but they will have stronger problem solving skills.  We need students to own the learning, and they only will do it when they want to be a part.  (especially the boys!) 

Thank you for all you do—you guys are amazing…Happy Friday!



Sunday, September 8, 2013

Monday Mush 9/9/13

Here is the video that I showed during the first day back from the summer.  I think it is worthy of seeing again. 

We have a mission in front of us that bigger than one of us.  We have an amazing responsibility and an amazing job to “write a new future” on the “blank canvas in front of us.” 

I LOVE the proactiveness of his message.  The future isn’t a gift….it is an achievement.  It isn’t waiting on us…it is something we have to strive for and work for and earn.  He points out that we, as a society, admire competitive challenge, and we point to it often as a symbol of something great.  Great athletes, competitors, and people who push through amazing obstacles.  Yet, in life, we choose what is easy.    But that is limiting. 

 We cannot be limiting for 2 reasons.  Number one, we have to make sure we give our kids the ability to grow more than they thought possible.  We cannot box them in and limit their potential.  They deserve that.  Number two, we cannot limit ourselves.  We deserve better than that.  We need to win the game of inches in our lives. 

What do you want enough to die for?  That is a huge question.  Some of you, probably never thought of that before.  The items on that short list should be where we put our time, focus, and heart.  I for sure hope that students and tomorrow’s generation are on your list.  I would want your career path to match those items on your “list.”

I encourage you this week to find the strength to achieve your goals both personally and professionally as well as passing on that strength to your students.  I do believe in you and your students, and I know you have unlimited potential.  Don’t box yourself in…you are here for a reason.  Thanks for being here.

Happy Monday!


Thursday, September 5, 2013

Painted into a corner...9/6/13 Friday "Flush"

Wow, I can't believe that week 2 has flown by!  You guys are an amazing team, and I am excited about what is in store this year.  I enjoyed the two days of "teacher talks," and you will be seeing some of your own ideas come to action in the weeks to come.  Thank you for the face time with each of you, an your honesty.  I enjoyed hearing about your "one word," and I hope to be able to partner with you to make each day a day focused on that word for you.

This quote above stuck out to me as we look at the "blank canvas" that is front of us with the whole year of school left.  We need to visualize what we want the end to look like.  What goals do we want to meet, what steps are we going to take, what objectives are not going untouched, and what must I instill in every child before they move on?  These are the questions to focus on now for sure.  But I think that is just the beginning...

This weekend I want you to think about what goals you have for yourself and your family.  What will that look like if you reach them.  Don't wait until the end to realize you should have had a better plan. I have done a lot of things that I wished I spent more time planning or learning something first...time spent learning is never wasted, as soon as it is applied.

Think of your goals....believe in your goals...and put a plan together to achieve them. 

Let me know if I can help...Happy Friday!

Monday, September 2, 2013

"Monday" Mush -- 9/3/13

I saw this on Facebook, and I thought it was a great way to start the week on our fake Monday.  It is a short week, so that will be nice! 

I think the picture shows us a humorous look at the need to have a buddy or have a team.  I know what you guys are going through this week is stressful and difficult, but I have delighted in seeing the way that you guys have shared that load.  Teams have been creative in many ways to support each other, and I know that is the only way to get things done.  I apprciate your attitude each day or working hard for our kids.  That is truly making a difference, and it is seen.  So, this week thank your "buddy" for being there for you.  Make sure that he/she knows how much you are glad to work with them, and how much you need them.  Also, remember to be a "buddy" -- we have to watch out for each other too.  If you see something not going well or someone that is struggling...take time to be a buddy and fix it.  Don't be so busy walking by that you miss the beautiful violin music.
 (Remember the youtube clip of the Washington DC terminal).

Also, as part of a team, remember the value of communication.  Use the power of words to uplift your team mates this week.  I had two different occasions this past week where my words worked against me.  I rushed a couple of different emails that were taken badly because I didn't slow down, and I didn't see the power in my communication.  Emails that truly had no meaning or intent on my end gave the reciever a must different message.  So, we all need to remember the power that our words have.

You guys are a great team...we have a lot ahead of us, but I won't let anyone get lost in dryer!

Happy "Monday!"