Monday, September 2, 2013

"Monday" Mush -- 9/3/13

I saw this on Facebook, and I thought it was a great way to start the week on our fake Monday.  It is a short week, so that will be nice! 

I think the picture shows us a humorous look at the need to have a buddy or have a team.  I know what you guys are going through this week is stressful and difficult, but I have delighted in seeing the way that you guys have shared that load.  Teams have been creative in many ways to support each other, and I know that is the only way to get things done.  I apprciate your attitude each day or working hard for our kids.  That is truly making a difference, and it is seen.  So, this week thank your "buddy" for being there for you.  Make sure that he/she knows how much you are glad to work with them, and how much you need them.  Also, remember to be a "buddy" -- we have to watch out for each other too.  If you see something not going well or someone that is struggling...take time to be a buddy and fix it.  Don't be so busy walking by that you miss the beautiful violin music.
 (Remember the youtube clip of the Washington DC terminal).

Also, as part of a team, remember the value of communication.  Use the power of words to uplift your team mates this week.  I had two different occasions this past week where my words worked against me.  I rushed a couple of different emails that were taken badly because I didn't slow down, and I didn't see the power in my communication.  Emails that truly had no meaning or intent on my end gave the reciever a must different message.  So, we all need to remember the power that our words have.

You guys are a great team...we have a lot ahead of us, but I won't let anyone get lost in dryer!

Happy "Monday!"

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