“When a team outgrows individual performance and learns team confidence,
excellence becomes a reality.” – Joe Paterno
When I read this quote on Monday, it stuck with me all week. Our school is comprised of SOOOO many teams that we are quite a complex machine. Our school as a whole is a team, our grade levels are teams, our classrooms, our parent/teacher groups, our vertical groups, specials, programs, curriculum departments, and on and on and on. We are completely and 100% reliant on teams. We can’t do this alone and we shouldn’t even want to.
I think this year is also quite unique because our school
culture is changing. Every team has new personnel on it… There are
so many new families to the area…. We are seeing a shift of students
coming out of private schools again. This are WONDERFUL things, but
have their challenges. We need to be real about facing them.
Everyone comes to the table with various strengths and background
information. They come to the table with “this is what works for me” or
“this is what I believe” or “this is how I do it.” All of those are valid
thoughts and notions….where the line gets fuzzy is when we distort those
comments by saying “this is what works for me, so it must be the only way” or
“how can anyone believe that?” or “how I do it is right, so your way is
therefore wrong.” This aren’t always conscience thoughts…they are part of
our DNA…they are part of our self-esteem designed to protect us from feeling
like we are not doing something well. We all want to be the best and to
know everything, but I would hypothesize that we can only do that by working
together. Guard yourself against those creeping in “fuzzy thoughts” that
bring others down in some way. There are situations where we can all be
different AND all be right. There are times we can use those differences
to build bridges, not walls (yes, I know cheesy, but it fits)
We need to focus on 1 aspect of teamwork, in my opinion …
Supporting each other
How do you do in answering these questions below? They
are NOT all easy to answer by any stretch….I would challenge you to think over
the weekend about how YOU personally answer these questions. I cannot
make someone else answer them in a certain way, but if we all focus on the
positive pledge in ourselves – then we are taking steps in the right
direction. I think if we nail down being supportive to our teams,
then all aspects of teamwork fall into place…trust, safety, shared
responsibility, and etc.
No matter what…can my team count on me to support them? Do
they trust me to have their best interest at heart? Do I give my team the
benefit of doubt every time? Am I happy for their successes? Am I
happy that they have other strengths than I do? Am I willing/safe to
share my weaknesses with them? Are my annoyances based only on my
personal preferences? How can I share better with the team? How can
I support better? How can I be supported? How can I share my needs
safely? Am I doing my part? Are we safe to discuss our
problems? Does everyone know that I am glad they are here? Am I a
positive “light” for the team or an “energy vampire?” When was the last
time I acknowledged a team mate’s success? When was the last time I said
thank you to a team mate? Do I truly want my team to succeed and do I see
myself as part of that process?
You guys are truly amazing educators…you do amazing things
every day. I thank you for doing everything you can for the students
here. Thank you for putting up with the annoyances of our profession and
putting up with me….I know that is no easy feat. Continue to look
for ways to support because I KNOW that we are better together. I think
of a simple pulley when I think of teamwork. Lifting a HUGE crate off the
ground would be impossible by myself. If I visualize others as pulleys,
the “load” gets easier and easier, the more I add. So, let’s focus on
being pulleys for others and not a knot in the rope.
Happy Friday!
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