Wednesday, September 25, 2013

"Fake Friday" Flush

“People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily” - Zig Ziglar

I thought this quote was a perfect way to start the long weekend which is just the motivation that we need to keep pushing on. We all need motivation…we all need it often. As teachers, we know that can’t wind up a kid once and expect them to “keep ticking” all year long. They need that daily. So, don’t lose heart as you feel like your motivation doesn’t “stick.” 

It Is amazing how much dedication it takes to do your job well. I can tell that you don’t take it lightly, and that is a blessing and a curse. I know you get stressed because there is so much on your plate….but you know what I am going to say….you are stressed because you CARE. So, thank you for stressing….thank you for giving 100%....thank you for making each day better than the one before. 

Remember that next week, the kids need the same attention, love, and motivation that they did on day 1. They need you. You are here for a reason, and I know you can make a difference. Don’t be hindered by what you have or haven’t done before. This week’s canvas hasn’t been painted, so dream big! Yes, I know that was a lot of clichés, but still valid! 

Thank you for what you do…thank you for motivating kids to do more than they thought possible. I LOVE hearing from parents … “Wow, I can’t believe my kid could do that.” And that is possible on all grade levels, with students with any “label”, and no matter what their economic background. 

Happy Friday!

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