Thursday, December 18, 2014

Final 2014 "Flush"

It has been such an amazing 2014!  This is such a great time of year because of the excitement we get to see every day with the kids….yes, it wears us out too!  But, it is neat to see the enthusiasm that everyone has for the holidays and the break!

I hope that over the break, you find some time for you.  That is hard this time of year.  Do something that you want for the simple fact that you want to.  Also do some serious reflecting.  Take a friend for coffee and reflect on your year. 

Did 2014 go as planned?  What joys came your way?  What disappointments came?  Who was there for you when you needed them?  What areas in your life did you grow in?  What are proud of?  What would you do differently if you had the chance?

There is true power in reflection.  That is how we improve ourselves and our quality of life.  I hope you find things to brag about…and do it….brag away!   I hope you find things you would fix because that means you are being “real” in the reflecting. 

Professionally or personally, we all have strong benefits from reflecting. 

I hope your break is amazing…enjoy your families and enjoy your time!

Happy Final Friday!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Monday Mush

Ok, the last school week of 2014 is here!  What a year!  On our Friday Flush, we will do some reflecting, but today I wanted to focus on giving a little more.  I came across this YouTube video

I don’t work for JCPenney, but they did a tremendous job in this video….they weren’t promoting products…they weren’t promoting their name….they were promoting giving.  I think the video truly speaks for itself.  Giving is a blessing.  I hope this season you find a way to surprise someone with gifts of generosity and see how it affects you.

Thank you for blessing the students here, and I hope you have tremendous week!

Happy Monday!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Friday Flush

This is a great time of year because it seems that so many are focused on giving and the joy that brings.  I think the concept goes far beyond that though.

 I think this proverb rings so true, and we have all seen it in our lives.  Sometimes we don’t have much to give, but we find a way and do.  Then, we receive that much back or more.  This isn’t always money or tangible gifts either. 

Have you ever been out of time, but someone needed something and you gave your time?  Then, you found an empty pocket of time later to get some things done, or a friend/family member picked up some extra slack for you?  There is truly a force that seems to repay our giving.

I truly believe that you guys should be some of the most blessed people in the world because you give so much.  You give to your kids every day even when you feel that you can’t keep going.  I appreciate you.  I appreciate all you do, and I truly hope that you are blessed this season.  You do a tremendous work, and I hope that you get a chance to reflect on all the good you do!

I hope your weekend is restful as well as productive.  Thank you for giving your time, energy, and more for the students here. 

Happy Friday!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Friday Flush

I love the proactiveness of the quote....we can control our day and our impact on the world around us.

We can wake up and expect that we will have something wonderful happen.  We can expect to wake up and have a impact on the world around us.  We can expect to make a difference in the lives of the students we are around.

You make a difference every are truly changing the face of the world of are choosing to make an impact.

The power of positive thinking is not just a isn't something that needs a Ouija board or a crystal is something that each of possess.  And, it works.

If you want to do something well, you first have to envision yourself doing it.  You have to see the possibilities.  The same thing is true of our students....when we believe in our hearts they can do something, we expect nothing less than that....and the students will rise to those expectations.

Thank you for believing in the kids...thank you for believing in each other....and thank you for believing in yourself.

Happy Friday!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Monday Mush -- Being a nice person

Ok, this made me laugh…a lot…no really….I actually am still kinda laughing and I found it like 20 minutes ago.  I know it is a little more “edgy” than my typical Monday Mush quotes, but I do think it has a great point.   (Yes, we are elementary teachers, and I know it contains the “s word”)

How often do we blame the person we are trying to be on those around us or our circumstances?  Do they really control us?  Are nice/polite people only around easy-going people all the time?  Do they not have the same issues that all of us have?

I would venture to say that “nice people” have the same issues that we all have.  They have loud children in the backseat…they have lower bank accounts then they want…they have an uncle dying of cancer…and they probably have been dumped before.  That is real life.  But “nice people” didn’t let those circumstances own them.  They didn’t let that take away from the positive impact they could still have on others. 

I hope this week is an extremely positive week for you…I hope we are all able to be “nice people.”  But I truly hope that we learn that our niceness isn’t determined by the world around us.  It is determined by our choice.  We can make this a great week not matter what happens or has happened to us.

If you are cut off on the highway, assume that person is having an emergency and wish them luck.  If you are short in the bank account, now you get a chance to relive your college days with some Ramen noodles. 

Thank you for being “nice people.”  Thank you for trying to show kids that choices are more important than circumstances.

Happy Monday!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Friday Flush

Thank you for your hard work this week…how did a week of encouragement go?  Did you find some people to “lift up” that needed it?  I sure hope so.

I love this quote…great perspective for us for sure!  Often times we spend our life being weighed down by our past.  Oftentimes we let it define us…and not in positive ways.  We see mistakes that we have made or problems that have happened, and we assume that the future will be the same.  We don’t expect that we can be different than our past.

I have said many times that when you drive a car, there is a windshield and a rearview mirror in front of you.  Both are really important.  You truly benefit from having a rear view mirror….however, the windshield is MUCH more important.  It is much larger, and it is much more a necessity when driving a car.  If I had to choose one to drive without, it would be the rearview everytime.  I think life can be the same way….we have things behind us…it is important to know they are there….we learn from there…but it is MUCH more important what is ahead of us. 

If you need to let go some heavy burden of the past, now is a great time…Don’t let you tomorrow be ruined by the pain of yesterday.

Thanks for all you do---hope your weekend is great!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Monday Mush

I must be in a commitment or trial kind of mood lately….Friday I gave everyone the mission/challenge to find a block of time and only be positive and not complain….then analyze that block of time against everything else. 

Now after that, I am asking for a 5 day commitment of being encouraging.  So starting today, can you find one (or more) ways each day to encourage someone else that you wouldn’t have typically down.  So by Friday, you have made it through 5 days of being encouraging.  

I love this commitment…like being positive, it is a choice…it is something we have to “make” ourselves do.   But, wow it is powerful.  I need much more of this message myself…I need to encourage others.  To do that means several things….one, I have a relationship that matters with someone….two, you noticed them doing something….three, you took time to tell them.

Those 3 things are HUGE….having true relationships with people gives you freedom to be yourself and take risks and mess up.  True Friends forgive the easiest….   It you notice something good, then you were watching for something good…or at least you are expecting something good from them.   And lastly, you took time for someone else.  I don’t have much time in my days it seems, and  I would venture you are thinking “man, that is weird, I am bored over here.”  I have never asked someone how they are and they answered, “Man, I am good, but just have way too much time on my hands.”   So, if we step out of our “norm” and give up some of our finite time, that speaks volumes. 

So, I hope you can join me in finding a way to encourage others for 5 days in a row….then maybe we will see the power and want that to continue…

Happy Friday!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Friday Flush -- Positivity Test

I love the message in this quote.  I think it speaks so highly of the power of being a positive person.  It is truly a gift that I think people have to some degree, but I also know it is more of a choice that people choose to make.  They choose to find the positive and focus on the positive, and that controls the attraction of more positives to you. 

Have you ever met someone that complains about not having friends….or they say that all social situations are stacked against them….or they say that others must just be lucky because of certain situations….BUT the whole time you are thinking “ummm you don’t have friends because you are mean” or “if you didn’t complain all the time maybe situations would be better for you by finding solutions.”   They don’t see their negative energy actually is repelling people away from them.   The don’t see how negativity really does have power.

Have you ever just gotten a funny feeling when you walk in the room?  Or stand on an elevator and just know the couple is in the middle of a fight?  Or you can just tell someone had something very good happen to them that morning?  There is an energy that we carry….there is an aura.  There is no doubt that positivity attracts….it brings people in because people love it…they want to be around it and they want to learn it. 

We want to be that here for our team mates, our kids, and our parents, but more important we just should want that all the time.  We want people buying milk next to us in line to get a sense that we are having a really good day and it rub off on them…We want our families to be glad we are home from work because of the positive energy we bring….We want to be the top of the invite list, not the person after others declined, because we are sooo positive.

This weekend let’s try it….Choose a block of time….2 hours, 4 hours, 8 hours….hours you are awake…..and don’t let yourself by negative or complain.   Then analyze it….did it affect you in a positive way?  Did if affect others?    Did you see how it is a choice?  You choose the time to do it….and if it worked, then why can’t you choose it all the time.

People that are successful and/or happy aren’t lucky…they are persistent and most of the time positive.  They are optimistic of a solution, and they affect others in a positive way.

Join me on the “positivity test” this weekend…email me your thoughts or a team mate….

Happy Friday!

Friday, November 7, 2014

Monday Mush

“I prefer the errors of enthusiasm to the indifference of wisdom.”― Anatole France

This is a great quote.  I know at first blush it doesn’t make perfect sense, but there is an element of it that I truly love.
Successful educators are risk takers…they aren’t just super smart people.  I know you are also super smart, but we do the great things that we do because of passion….because of enthusiasm. 
I love when teachers make mistakes based on calculated risks that are due to enthusiasm.  It is a great thing to make these “errors of enthusiasm” because it means you care enough to try something new….to step out of your comfort zone…to create more student engagements based on your passion.
I love watching the growth of our students…that is due to your passion and enthusiasm.  Yes, you are wise, smart, and knowledgeable….but more importantly you try things…you have freedom to be creative to be you in the classroom.  Please don’t ever lose that passion….
Thank you for being enthusiastic…thank you for being dynamic…thank you for caring for your kids!

Happy Monday!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Doing What Others Cant -- Monday Mush

Love this quote….it shows the determination behind our goals. 

I love that if we work harder on the front end…we get to reap rewards that others don’t.  This is good for our kids…our kids get to reach further because of the work that we put in early.

This is a great motivation this week….look at your goals for your students.  How do you get there? 

If you want to be great….it takes great effort.  I see that from you guys everyday!

I am excited it is November…we pushed through October which is one of our toughest months.  I am excited for the rest of the semester.

This week think how this quote can benefit you and your students…share that with your team….share that with your family.

Thank you for all you do!

Happy Monday!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Friday Flush -- 64 Watermelons

Ok, I probably am showing that I am quite juvenile, but I did laugh out loud (literally) at this quote. 

I think reading this comes at a good time as we finished up our first nine weeks assessments, and we realized once again that kids and problem solving don’t always mix.  But, after the humor of it went away, I realized there are some “teaching takeaways” that can come from it. 

Number 1, often times educators create a world that really only makes sense in a classroom or school.  We create procedures on how to read a passage, we use “tricks of the trade” in math, or we create procedures for dealing with others that don’t work in life.  

So I thought it worth mentioning that we should all reflect on our practices to make sure we are meaningfully connecting the student’s learning to their lives and experiences.  We also want to meaningfully create tools for students to truly use in life.  We want to foster a love of reading, foster a true understanding of math concepts, and foster interactions that are genuine to society. 

Number 2 ties in strongly with number 1, but it still stands alone, in my opinion.  We need to look for and create ways for students to truly picture the solution in their heads.  The difference between a high-achieving student and a low-achieving student is often the ability to visualize the problem (especially in math and science).  For example, all kids can watch Looney Tunes and know when Wyle E. Coyote drops the rope, the Acme anvil will fall.  They get that the heavy object will fall, and the rope/pulley help it be not so heavy.  The visual is given to them.  The high achiever can now automatically picture that pulley when reading a science word problem, or they can draw it out.  The low achieving student still only understands it when they see it. 

Seeing something shown is priceless, but we have to find a way to connect the picture given to the kid to a way that draws their own picture when they read words on a page.  Help you kids visualize.  Have them stop and draw what they are thinking.  Make kids talk through how they are solving problems….

Teaching is tough…but it is also amazing.  We get to talk at the end of the year and say “I helped do that” when our kids are far beyond where they thought they could go.

So this weekend think about how to make school be “more real” to the kids, and help them find a way to visualize concepts more easily.

I thank you for all you do! 

Happy Friday!  Let’s go get some Watermelons…. 

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Monday Mush -- video montage

This is a tad longer than my usual videos….it is also slightly different, but It has some amazing quotes.  Quotes that I think could me a life mantra or a week’s mantra. 

My hope it that from this video you find one quote or thought that gives you inspiration in some part of your life….I hope that you are able to use that to inspire others, reach your goals, and realize that greatness isn’t just for some people. 

I think you are a great team….I think you do great things…I look forward to a great week!

Happy Monday!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Friday Flush -- Do it Now

You know this quote is right up my alley.  I so love that it is succinct and right on target. 

As a parent, we don’t usually buy it when our kids say “oh we will do it later.”  We know that “later” becomes “never.” 

You have heard me say often that I want to write a book to be the next motivational best seller that has one page….”Just Do Something”  would be all the words it would contain.  Oftentimes, people get bogged down on how to start…they want to plan everything out just perfectly….they want all their ducks in a row….they don’t know the best way to begin….the entire goal might seem too overwhelming…..

Starting is the best predictor to finishing.  I love that concept.  If you start it, you are moving towards completion….you will probably actually finish it.  Very small percentages of tasks are started and not completed.  Most uncompleted tasks were simply never started.

So this weekend, I hope everyone can think of a goal that you have put off and start it.  Not plan to start it…really start it.

I thank you for your goals….your drive….your determination.   Whatever your goal, lets do it now and not never do it.  (yes that is a double negative…)

Happy Friday!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Sweaty Monday Mush

I love this quote.  It kinda reminds me of what my dad used to say “Hard work never killed anyone.”  I think I heard that a lot.  I must have complained a lot….but I digress.

Hard work comes at a price, but the benefit is great.  For those of you that may work out, you have a goal.  Weight loss, better tone, healthier heart, etc.  Those goals don’t just happen.  It takes determination and sweat.  The more you sweat, the closer you are to that goal most likely.  Thus why they invented hot yoga, I guess….but again, I digress.

So, we work in a profession that takes lots of sweat and tears….maybe not LITERAL SWEAT, but we for sure sweat lots in the amount of energy we put in.  That hard work is so important and it will have great results.  The more sweat, the bigger the results too. 

I thank you for having the determination to see the goal and stick with it.  I hope this week is a great week for you and your students.  Thank you for your sweat…thank you for giving your best each week!

Happy Monday! 

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Lets take the Stairs -- Friday Flush

I am definitely not “there” yet.  I have lots of unreached goals, and sometimes that feels defeating.  Sometimes the unreached goals can make you feel “not good enough.”  That is why I needed a quote like this.

We are closer to our goals than we were yesterday.  That is inspiring…it is motivating….it keeps me moving. 

This weekend, take time to not just look at your goals….look at how far you have come towards them….look at your journey.  What have you learned along the way?  What enjoyment have you already seen?  Remember to evaluate your effort towards your goals, and take a moment to enjoy all you have done so far.

If you are working with kids that aren’t reaching their goals, encourage them with the same concept.  Focus on what they HAVE done and how far they have come. 

Taking the stairs vs an elevator has been proven to add years to your life by the “free workout” as well as the heart health improvement.  It is also debated as being faster in many circumstances, and we know it is much more energy/cost efficient.

Stairs aren’t easier than they elevator, but that are arguably better.  Our goals aren’t on a floor we can reach with an elevator.  We are taking the stairs….

Thank you for a great week…Happy Friday!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Good to Great

One More Thing…One More Time!  I think the “1MT1MT” motto is amazing.  It is simple and extremely powerful.  The truth that is in that mindset truly separates the good from the great!

Have you ever felt “good” at something?  I am sure you have.  There is something nice in knowing you are proficient…that you are better than some…that you can “get it done.”

But, have you ever felt “great at something?  That is something that goes far beyond the feeling when you are “good.”  You feel dynamic and unstoppable.  You feel proud because it is most likely something you worked hard to achieve…a skill that you honed….a wall that you climbed….something that very few people can do!

The difference in most people moving from good to great is giving that little extra.  I have alluded to the movie “And the Game Stands Tall” where each player has to make a commitment card and give it to a team mate…that team mate holds them accountable for what extra thing they are going to do to condition harder than everyone else.

My thoughts:

1.       It isn’t about doing what you “feel” like doing….if we did that, we would all be watching “Days of Our Lives” or taking naps all day….doing what we “feel” like doing isn’t the answer to being great.  Being great means we push through that “feeling” to something more.  It is the determination to beat the voices that are trying to make us “slow down and take it easy.”
2.       We don’t need to be “normal” and just do it how everyone else does….or we get the same results as everyone else.  Great people do more.  Unmotivated people find it easier to try to make you slow down and do less than for them to do more.  Don’t let them stop you….
3.       We need to do more than our “competition.”  In life that may be a million different things.  In schools, maybe that is the mind set of “well that is all that Abernathy Elementary is doing, so let’s just do that.”  I think we want to do more than those around us to stand out in the pack.
4.       Be ready for the unexpected.  Don’t just do what you “planned” on doing.  Talk to more people than you wanted….stay longer….do more….it will pay off in the end.
5.       What is easy and what is right are not often the same thing.
6.       Great is on the other side of our fears.

Thank you for your desire to do more each day.

Have a GREAT Monday!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

The October Fight

I thought this was a great quote in the month of October.  I am proud to work with you guys.  I know many of you have graciously donated towards the Susan G. Komen foundation in a variety of ways, and I am glad to help out with our jeans days and the upcoming student “Pink Out” days.  It is a great check to send off knowing that 100% goes to such a great cause.

I know many of you have been knocked down with life.  I know many of you have felt that feeling of maybe life wants you to “stay down and not get up.”  You probably have thought about quitting something at some point in your life.  You might have thought about quitting your job here even.  But then something inside tells you that isn’t going to happen.  There is a voice that tells you to get up and face the next day.  There is something in you that proves you will be strong no matter what life is trying to tell you.

We all have that passion and that strength in us.  It is the small fire that keeps us going.  It is the choice we make to be strong.  We know that we have a tough assignment in our career path, but we choose to be strong because we know the difference we are making.  Maybe something is personally going on that you know you have to get through.  You know that on the other side is something better.

Thank you for fighting…thank you for giving your all even when you are knocked down.  October is a tough month in schools…we hit a burnout point….October is a month that highlight “the fight.”  I applaud those that have overcome tremendous obstacles, and I think we can use their drive and determination to do the same.

Happy Friday!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Monday Mush -- We are Marshall

Ok, so back to great football Movie speeches for our Monday message.  This is one of my favorite, and not just because of his cool pants and short tie.

“We are Marshall” is a depiction of the true story of the 1970 plane crash in which the entire team and head coach were killed returning home from a game.  The new team (freshman, 3 varsity that weren’t on the flight, new coaches, and new players) have to learn the game and how to be a team very quickly.  They lose their first game 29-6, and this speech occurs before their first home game.  They do go on to beat Xavier 15-13 in that epic win. 

I think this is a perfect opening to a week as we are pushing towards the first report card.  Remember that statistics shows us that teacher/student disengagement is highest in October and Feb.  Knowing that most schools and students will statistically be more disengaged, helps us make bigger strides to get ahead of the pack.  We also can know that we are subconsciously drawn to “pull back” in October, so don’t let yourself be lulled to sleep!

In his speech, he highlights some very important principles….principles that we need as educators….principles we need for life.  Here are some that stuck out to me:

1.       We need to know our past.  It defines who were are TO THIS POINT. However, it DOES NOT define who we will become.  Knowing our past helps us better plan for the future.
2.       Our “opponents” can seem insurmountable at times.  They seem bigger, better, and more confident.   But, that doesn’t mean the chapter ends there.  Just because statistics tell you one thing, doesn’t mean it is true.  We cheer for the underdog for a reason….we want to see Goliath fall.  What is your Goliath?  Who is your Xavier University?  They/It can be beaten.
3.        It is about heart.  The desire to succeed is the determining factor of success.  It isn’t talent or ability…it is the desire to be better today than you were yesterday….the desire to go around obstacles to reach that goal…the heart to fight for what is worth fighting for.
4.       We need to show ourselves who we are.  We don’t have to prove it to others…we just need to prove it to ourselves and believe that.  It is what we have to “lay on the line.”
5.       We play all out till the final whistle.
6.       We cannot lose or be defeated if we know we gave all we had…no matter the “score.”
7.       How you play “this game,” is how you will be remembered.  What do you want to be remembered for?  Our daily interactions/actions need to be in line with that.

I hope everyone has a great Monday!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Friday Flush -- Journey

Ok, when you think of the word “Journey” what comes to mind?   Ok, once you are done singing “Don’t stop Believin’,” we can continue. 

I think a journey is a great metaphor for the careers that we choose as well as our lives in general.  We often focus our attention, energy, and worry on the destination.  We focus on the end result.  And to some degree that makes sense, that is the part we are “graded on” typically.  But, the end result is the least important factor in my opinion.  I think the most important factor is the journey, the second most is the beginning, and then last is the end result.  We learn in the journey….we grow in the journey….we are able to enjoy lives and our friends only during the journey. 

The great thing about a journey is that it is personal…there are parts that you can walk alongside others, but ultimately each person has their own.  We are responsible for what we learn, what we do, where we go, the goals we set, and our satisfaction in the process.  I struggle with that last one… I can set goals….I can achieve goals….but I don’t have satisfaction in the journey all the time.  I don’t “stop and smell the roses” very well, but that is truly where life is.

How does that relate to a classroom?  Kids all their own journey…they all are headed very different places…they all need tools and guidance.  We help them take their next step, so that they are ready.  But, the journey for them should be a process, and we should find ways to intentionally point out the process to them.  They need to learn that through difficult times, they gain character and determination.  They need to learn that not reaching your goal might teach perspective.  They need to be shown those things, so as adults, they are more equipped to succeed. 

You have a journey…walk it….don’t worry about others.  They haven’t been in your shoes…you have a next step too.  Don’t be afraid if it looks different than those around you.  Take that perspective and realize that every kid in this building needs a next step in some direction.  We can provide that.

Thanks for all you do!  Happy Friday!

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Monday Mush -- Moving Forward

I hope your long weekend was great!  We certainly needed it!  I hope you took the advice of the “Friday Flush” and got some great rest! 

This quote is a great way to start a week in my opinion.  We need to be people of action.  Study after study has proven that successful people don’t give up.  They find a way to win, achieve, or reach their goals without taking “no” for an answer.  Successful people simply don’t take the easy way out by saying “oh that is too hard” or “that is impossible.”  They find a way, and more importantly, they never doubted they could do it the whole time.

Randy Pausch, the famous “last lecture” professor, said in that famous speech that walls are put up in life not to stop us, but to separate those that really want something from those that don’t.  If we really want to achieve something, we will find a way around any wall. 

That is what we do as educators.  There are many kids that some would say “can’t learn” or they “can’t read” or “they will never catch up.”  But, we don’t give up.  We see potential where others would take the easy way out.  We know that moving forward slowly is still moving forward. 

Action is trying something new….action is not throwing your hands up and walking away….action is making a difference. 

I appreciate you guys….you don’t quit….you see the good in kids and their potential when the kids don’t see it….you help them see it and feel it….

I hope this is a great week….Happy Monday!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Fake Friday Flush

Happy “Fake Friday” to everyone!  This seemed like a great picture to take with us into our long weekend!  

I hope everyone gets to practice these 3 r’s this weekend for sure!  You deserve it.  We have all been going 100mph to get the year off to the amazing start that we have had so far….so now we get a chance to stop and catch our breath. 

Make sure you find time to rest….don’t make a “to do” list for everyday….sit and read or watch a movie….be bored on Facebook…find a friend you haven’t seen and meet up for lunch….only invite over people for dinner that don’t care that you didn’t clean.   And if something stresses you out, don’t do it. 

It is ok to be selfish at times…selfish for your sanity and your family.  It is ok to say no to some good/fun things, if it means you get a chance to relax and be a better person for it. 

Don’t be afraid to say no this weekend to somethings, and do somethings for yourself.  We spend the bulk of our day serving others, this weekend is about spoiling yourself and relaxing. 

If your kids need a ride to the movies, they can miss one social event….If you are out of bread, you can eat cereal….if you “haven’t exercised in forever”, then a couple more days won’t matter. 

I hope this is a great weekend….thanks for how hard you work.

Happy “Friday!”  

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Monday Mush -- Character

Ok, we will start a Monday off without a video this week…but it is still a great football quote. 

At first blush, it sounds harsh…it sounds like we are hoping to eliminate those that are weaker, but I think the quote is looking far behind that.

Football is a metaphor of life in some ways that is simply marked off in 100 yards.  There is a struggle…there is determination…there is a strong need for teamwork…there is a strong need for a team… 

In our life, we need to first and foremost be people of character.  People that do what we say and mean what we say…People that you can lean on…people that make others better.  If that quality isn’t being defined and amplified, we are becoming weaker…our influence isn’t as meaningful or as strong….our ability to overcome obstacles shrinks.

We can’t afford to be weak…we can’t afford to role model a lack of character or determination…we can’t afford to give up on kids or our situations.

We have tough assignments…we have jobs that demand much more than we are paid for….but we have character that leads us toward knowing the greater good.  We have a responsibility for our students’ futures to give them all they need to be successful.  We are planting seeds and watering seeds…seeds that one day will grow…character is part of that watering process.

Thank you for being a team mate with me….thanks for playing so hard this season.

It will be a great week…happy Monday!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Steve Jobs -- Friday Flush

On the Friday during the week of the launch of the IOS 8 seems like the perfect time for a Steve Jobs quote.

This quote is so true, and it for sure could be said by teachers world-wide.  We do what we do because we love it, and we see it benefit that is far greater than ourselves.

But, this quote goes beyond that.  It isn’t just about “us” or “me.”  Loving what I do is great because “I” love it….it is kinda selfish.  I do what I do because it is good for me.  But, this quote goes much further.  We do a GREAT WORK because of this love.  If you love what you do, you dig deeper, you try harder, you don’t give up, and you make a true difference.  You guys do that.  You do GREAT things because you are dedicated to your job and your mission.

I love bragging on you guys and the work that you do…I know it isn’t easy.  I will never promise you an easy road here, but in June I know we will look back and see the great work we did, the obstacles we overcame, and the students we positively impacted.

I would encourage you this weekend to look at the things in life that you love to do…look for why you love them…look for how to increase those.  Are there things you do “just because” or that don’t get your passion?  Are there people that suck your passion?  Find ways to increase the things you love to do and decrease those you don’t.  We can make things better in our own life by looking at where to put our passion to make things GREAT.

Thanks for being a GREAT staff…I hope your weekend is restful and wonderful.

Happy Friday!

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Monday Mush

I am sure most of you have seen this movie, but as a back story to this scene.  The Asst. Coach was passed over for this job, and basically was promised that if Coach Boone lost one game, they would fire him and place him as head coach.  Of course, it was all based on race.  So, the Asst Coach had everything to gain by keeping his head down and letting his team take an unfair loss.

But that isn’t what happened.  True to the actual events, he stopped the game to make sure that it was called fairly.  He knew the stakes were personally high for himself, but his integrity won out. 

There are several aspects of this video clip that make it applicable to what we do, in my opinion.

1.       Regardless of circumstance, doing right is doing right.  We don’t have to be perfect, but we can find a place to dig our heels in and stand up for what we know is right. 
2.       Most situations that matter are much bigger than ourselves.  What we choose to do has a much greater affect when we focus on others, rather than ourselves.
3.       We give 100% on every play.
4.       Determination not only wins, it can set you worlds apart.  Being determined is having a tunnel vision and a goal that is relentless.  We can have that for our students, and teach them to have it for themselves!

You are an amazing team…thank you for all of your determination and integrity.

Happy Monday!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Friday Flush -- A year from now....

I love this quote….I think it is absolutely perfect to have on the mind going in to the weekend.  I know many (ok all) of us using are dying for the weekend to get here.  We need the rest, the “me” time, the chance to reset, and the chance to let go of some work stress.  But, I truly hope that for everyone the weekend can provide some reflection time.  How can I be better at my job, as a spouse, as a friend, as a parent, as a …….. 

What are your goals?  That is almost cliché sounding…we hear it alllllll the time.  But have you ever thought of it from the perspective of this quote.  In a year, you may be glad you started something today.  Maybe it is food/exercise related, maybe it is job/school related, maybe it is a home goal….but regardless of personal or professional, it is worthy of being looked at closely.  It is worthy of some thought.

I hope you are able to set goals for yourself and your students that are tough to reach.  I hope the bar is high enough that you work at it and feel a great sense of accomplishment when you reach it.  I hope you are surrounded with friends and colleagues that will truly celebrate with you when you do too! 

Thanks for all you do!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Not the slowest zebra...

Wow…it was a LONG “short” week for sure!  Crazy how 4 days can feel so long sometimes.  I was impressed with lots that I saw this week for sure.  Some great behavior in the halls, café, and in the classrooms.  I see increasing small groups, better focus on planning, more academic vocabulary, and a sense of urgency in instruction.  Those are some amazing things to have in place after only 2 weeks of school.  Our kids will certainly benefit from that!  Thank you!

What a great quote… I found this to be quite meaningful to me.  Often times we find ourselves playing the comparison game…it is a dangerous game for sure.  We see other’s “highlight reel” of life and we compare it to our “blooper reel.”  We see what others do in the class by Facebook only, and we don’t think we stack up.  You have a tough job, and if you spend time beating yourself up, it won’t make it any easier.  We all have ways we need to improve, and we should focus on it.  But, we improve by looking in a mirror, not at the people around us.

This quote also helps us not have too much “pedestal thinking” too.  Sometimes, we feel pretty good about ourselves if we can just think of some people that we are “better than.”  So, we don’t push ourselves to get better because at least we aren’t “those guys.”  Great athletes don’t get better by playing mediocre athletes and winning.  You don’t see coaches having the varsity teams play the junior varsity team for the varsity players to improve.   It is good for the JV team, but not for the Varsity.  So, we push ourselves by knowing what we need to improve on.  We compare our improvement based upon our own needs.  We focus on improving ourselves.  This keeps us from thinking “well the lion won’t eat me as long I am faster than one other zebra.”  We need to think how to lead the pack and be the fastest zebra.

Well, I know this was random…zebras…athletes… blooper reals….but I hope it gives you something to think about over the weekend.  I hope today that you are better than you were yesterday. 

Thank you for all you do….Happy Friday!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Monday Mush -- wining streaks

De La Salle was known (and still is) as one of the best high school football programs of all time.  They hold a record that will probably stand for many, many years to come.  They won 151 games in a row and countless state championships in California.  The movie “When the Game Stands Tall” is about what happens to a team when that streaks stops because they lose.  It is a new team of younger players, and they don’t give 100% in their practice and commitments.  So, they lose.  The above scene is a depiction of the locker room after that loss. 

Here are some “take aways” that I had:

1.       We don’t need anger to solve our problems…”we don’t do that here.”  Anger clouds our perception…it clouds our reasoning ability…it clouds our focus…we can’t see what is truly important, if we let anger get the best of us.
2.       It is ok to show emotion…bad things happen, and sometimes we need a moment to collect ourselves and reset.  As we see from this team, how you “get up” when you are “knocked down” makes all the difference in the world.
3.       We need to speak truth about our shortcomings/mistakes.  If we lose, we lose.  We don’t have to sugar coat that.  We need to be honest with stakeholders as they are putting their trust in us.
4.       A game doesn’t define us…we are defined by much more than that.  “Let the way that you live your lives define you.”  I am very glad that I am not defined by one single moment in my life.  I am not always perfect and on my “A game,” so I am glad I get to look at a much larger sampling of my life.   
5.        It isn’t about a record or a streak.  We don’t “play” our game for the numbers or for the status of it.  We play to become better at being a supportive member of society….a better team mate.  We learn that the world is bigger than us, and that we have an important role to fill.  We need our kids to know that too.

In the movie, the players make “commitment cards” that they give to another player to hold them accountable to.  They may be like “I will not drop any passes in the next game, and I will do an extra 20 wind sprints after practice is over.”  They look for a way to go above and beyond the expectations of the team…they look for a way to do more….The way to get better is to do more….I thought that was a great thing to do with kids too.  Find a way to have kids hold themselves and each other accountable to doing more, and you will just have to get out of the way and watch the magic happen.

Thank you for all you do!  Happy Monday!

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Have a Perfect Monday

In line with our Monday Mush’s is another great football coach speech…This is from “Friday Night Lights,” and it is a great clip to think about this week!  Supposedly this is a pretty accurate depiction of the real “Panther speech” at halftime when they were losing to the Carter Cowboys in the state championships.

What does it mean “to be perfect?”  Is it about the game, or is it about relationships?  Knowing that we didn’t let anyone down…knowing that we did everything we could for others.

I love this clip.  What a great message to keep on our minds and our hearts. 

I can never be perfect…I am far from it…yes, I know you are so shocked, right??!! 

But, as this coach stated, being perfect isn’t about doing things perfectly, it is about having a clear conscious from knowing that our actions were of pure intent.  We chose our course of actions because we had love/joy in our hearts for others. 

That is a true team.  We won’t agree on many, many things this year, and that is ok.  But, we can KNOW that we don’t disagree on what is truly important and why we are doing what we do.  That makes disagreements seem MUCH smaller.  We all are making decisions to do what we do because we love kids and education.  We are disagreeing because one person is trying to harm kids…so know beyond a shadow of a doubt, that we are all on the same team.

Thank you again for playing on this team…

Have a “perfect” Monday!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Friday Flush -- Week 1 done!

Well we made it through week 1…thank you for all of your hard work this week…you guys were truly AMAZING!

I LOVE this quote.  We have truly begun our year with the end in mind.  That is the only way to be successful.  We know the target and we know our goals.  We need to stay focused on driving towards those goals each and every day.  (Tired of football analogies yet?)

On Fridays, I try to make the “flush” be more “reflective” in nature.  It is something that I hope you can think about over the weekend as you recharge.  I hope this weekend, you are able to look for goals professionally and personally that you are working towards.  Are you facing the right direction?  Do you know how far it is away?  What are the steps you need to get there?  How can a team mate help you?

The joy of the game of football is you truly don’t know when the next big play is…you keep doing the basics as you practice them, and every once in a while the lane open up, and you make a huge gain.  I know that this year, we will see that. 

Our kids need to be a part of this process….they can’t score, if they don’t know their targets too.  As we look for more and more ways to bring students into their own learning, we will see them becoming more and more successful.  What are some practical ways that next week you can let students be more aware of their own goals?  How can they become stronger players by being more aware?

I thank you for all you do every day…thank you for working hard and keeping your eyes on those goalposts….

Happy Friday!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

First Day of School--Monday Mush

One of my favorite clips of all time!  I know we have all seen it many, many times, but it is very appropriate for us to watch as we start our first day of school!

We all have different backgrounds…different things that make us unique and special…different talents... 

So do our students….

To be a team, we need to be on the same page at all times…we look for how we can work together, not about what makes us different. 

So, today, we set the stage as a team as well as leaders of our kids….we will come together, so we aren’t destroyed. 

I think the line at the end sums it up best….”I don’t care if you like each other or not, but I do care that you respect each other.”  That is what we do.  We get past the petty and we focus on the end goal.  We focus on playing our game together. We focus on winning by first supporting each other.  No team wins when there isn’t respect.

I respect you guys, and for a bonus I like you too!   We are an amazing team.  Thank you for working with the kids here to bring them together…to help them see that their differences make the team stronger.

Today will be a great first day of school…..thank you for all you do!

Happy Monday!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Monday Mush

I am so excited to be officially starting our 2014-15 school year tomorrow.  We are truly going to have an amazing year this year as we focus on being “ONE TEAM.”  Tomorrow we will start our pre-season training at 8:00, and I am excited to see everyone!

Every Monday and Friday I will send an email (Sometimes the nights before so you have them to read first thing in the morning.)  They are designed to be inspirational or motivating. They are NOT required reading ever, and I will not put in information about school “to do’s” in there.  They are not designed to give school information.  I want them to be available to you if you CHOOSE to read them. 
I had others want to “subscribe” over time to them, so I add each one to a blog for easy access and filing.

They were coined the “Monday Mush” as a term of endearment as I am not usually “mushy.”  The “Friday Flush” helps us flush out the week to get reset for the next.  If you ever have a quote, video, etc to share, please pass that along.  I also look for “guest writers,” so feel free to volunteer!

The theme of football will for sure not ever leave us short of clips of inspirational stories/speeches to watch.  Movies capitalize on the emotions of football and key players because we want to see a team come together…we want that “tough kid” to become a true leader….we want the underdog to win.  That is truly part of our DNA. 

The above clip is possibly the most overplayed video for the past two years.  I didn’t choose it for it originality.  You have all seen it…several times.  But, it pulls me in every time….and it is PERFECT for what we are doing this year.  We are having kids reach for their own personal best.  I say often that “each kid has a next step.”  We have to push them to find it.  We cannot accept that some kids are “doing fine” or some kids “will never get it.”  We believe in them and we push them. 

This year, I want you to know that I believe in you.  I have seen the great things you can do and the loads you carry on your back.  I will push you to look passed what others might be able to do or what they may say and focus on yourself.  I want your best every day.

We have watched and we will watch a documentary on Nick Saban.  He says that he trains his kids to play “each down like it is the most important play in a Championship game.”  I really have thought about that. 

Great plays in history didn’t happen like this :  (In the huddle the quarterback didn’t look at the running back and say “ok, lets really try on this one…why do you break 7 tackles and do a spin move and oh yeah hurdle the guy to jump in the end zone.  ESPN has a camera over there, and that will be a great highlight they will show for years!”)

Great plays started like ordinary plays.  No one knew what was about to happen.  They just kept doing their best.  Amazing things happen when we are trying our best and working at 100%.  If we assume that nothing extraordinary will happen, then it won’t.  If we assume that we will only get a few yards on the next play, we probably won’t have the big gains we are actually capable of making.

Thank you for being on this team.  Thank you for giving 100% and asking kids to do the same.   Doing your best is tiring and hard, but it where champions are made.  We have all the potential to be just that, and I know we will do great things!

Happy first Monday!

Friday Flush -- Meet the Teacher

I hope everyone’s Friday is off to a great start….what a perfect start for how we are starting the year.  Tonight, we begin our preparations full force with “Meet the Teacher.”   I am excited for you this afternoon…you will begin forming relationships that will truly change lives.  That is a HUGE gift you are blessing others with.

Thank you for preparing to win…thank you for making a difference…thank you for giving EVERYDAY!

Today, you are Cinderella….you have sooooo many things that need to be done, but when those kids and parents are here today, be there for them.  Smile and make them the center of your attention….they are coming to meet/see you! 

I appreciate you guys so much, and I hope your Friday is amazing!  

We will win this year because we have the preparations in place to do so…thank you for being on this amazing TEAM….

Happy Friday

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Final Monday Mush (See you in 2014-2015)

So, this is the final Monday, so it is our last Mush of the year.  I won’t be doing an email/blog “flush” either…we will do that during the last day as we grab some breakfast together. 

This for sure caught my attention.  According to the caption, it was a second place performance. 

Now, for the record, I am not a dancer (I know this is quite a shocker).  Maybe because I am not a dancer, this impresses me more, but I think it is a fabulous way to end our Mush/Flush “season.” 

The act opens with a teacher leaving the classroom…so if you have ever wondered what kids do when you are there, maybe this is it?  Somehow, I think we would love for them to have this much teamwork though…

I learned several things watching this performance…some are probably pretty petty while others have a deeper impact. 

I learned that things can be much better together.  Often times the soloists get the attention…not with this group.  They looked alike, they danced alike, and they performed alike.  The spectacle wasn’t that one person could do it…it was that they all could do it.  Teamwork is really the heart of it.  How many rehearsals did that take?  How many slow learners were in the group?  How did they react when one person messed up?  Did they all have to come to practice?  Did they allow people to give 50%?  Were all ideas shared?  We don’t know the answer to these, but I can assume some.  I would bet the group norms were so strong because of the centralized mission that people confirmed.  I bet tardiness to a rehearsal wasn’t just discouraged…I bet it was shunned completed.  They wanted to be there because they needed to be and the team needed them.  You can’t do moves like that together and only practice by yourself.  I am sure they all had to be forgiving and encouraging.  I am assuming some didn’t pick it up the first time.  Maybe they did section too fast or too slow, but I bet they had a culture to accept that and work with that.  The final goal was more important than the frustrations along the way.

You don’t have to be racy or edgy to capture attention.  I don’t think is really an issue with us in elementary schools, but I was impressed that a dance team was able to be impressive and 100% “above board” in costumes, moves, and song selection.  That tells me that we don’t have to always “play the game the media tells us.”  They can do all of that without a wrecking ball.   We can inspire, we can impress, we can captivate using the tools we have always had.  We don’t have to change the game, we just have to play it well.

That took time….that took an investment.  I am sure they said no to some parties, some time with family, some other hobbies, and such.  It was worth it because of the mission.  They wanted to be the best…be together…so they devoted time. 

I bet you could come up with 20 more “take aways” from that….I hope you do.  I hope you know that I was proud to be on your team this year.  That I enjoyed getting better alongside of you.  I appreciate your willingness to go slow when the group needed more time than you did.  I appreciated how you curbed your frustrations when you had time you could have shown it more.  I appreciate how you helped establish and carry norms that don’t have to posted to be respected.  You set a high bar for excellence, and you didn’t stop until you got there.

I appreciate you guys…I brag about you guys…I am looking forward to summer, but I looking forward to even a better year next year too! 

Happy Final Monday!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Final Friday Flush -- Message from Morgart

Ok, so I outsourced again....thank you to Ms. Morgart for offering to write our Final Friday Flush (say that 3 times fast!).  It is a great topic and a great read!  The inspiration can be found in the blog article attached.


I read an article that made me think about my first few years of teaching. When I started, I taught in an open concept school that literally had no walls. I could hear and see everything that was happening in the other classrooms and as a new teacher, I remember how scary and amazing an environment it was. There were no doors to hide behind…

As educators, I truly believe that we are all committed to being life long learners. It’s what we want for our students and what we model for them every single day. We make the commitment to learn and grow in our profession and we do this out of the love that we have for our kids. Being transparent to what we do everyday is part of that growth. Sometimes we have wonderful and creative ideas to share with others and sometimes we have to be able to answer to the question….did I do everything I could for my class, the lesson, that one child that needs me the most…

It can be uncomfortable. Opening yourself up to your team, staff, and parents can be scary but think of the rewards. We have amazing teachers on our staff that I am sure in no time at all would drop what they are doing to share with you the happenings of their classroom. You just have to ask….and be willing to be open to how we all learn from each other (both our successes and our “not so great” moments). Be willing to answer the hard questions….own it…and gather new ways to achieve success for your students and for yourself.

My door is always open….as many others are too….


Sunday, May 25, 2014

Monday Mush -- Rufo Style

From time to time I love having others write our mush!  Thank you Ms. Rufo for offering to do so.  There are some great reminders in there, and I loved the video at the bottom!   (And, if anyone else ever wants to write one or share your thoughts, I am certainly happy to have you do so!)

Happy Reading and Happy Monday!

Why Did You Become a Teacher?  By Jamie Rufo

Why did you become a teacher? Why did you on purpose, after FINALLY getting out of school.... COME BACK!!??
For me, it's an ego thing. I actually think that what I do MATTERS. I think I MATTER to the kids I get to share a small space with. They grow up, some remember me, some don't. But you can't ever convince me otherwise. I need these kids as much as they need me because I need to do something with my life that matters.
Ask yourself why you do what you do. Is your heart in it? Do you love it? Have you lost your passion and would rather be elsewhere?? What motivates you?

Every year I'm a different teacher. I learn from my mistakes- and man do I make them. (sometimes more than once). But every year I'm better. I'm stronger. I'm more motivated to get out of my comfort zone and meet that maybe not so lovable, challenging kid where THEY ARE, instead of where I am. THOSE kids... Make us better. They make what you do MATTER. 

I had a special young man hold my hand today and tell me that some adults in his life didn't believe him. What a bold statement. 
BELIEVE in your kids. See beyond those eye rolls and short comings. See potential in the ones that don't care. Be that one person that believes them and believes IN them. Because what you do MATTERS!!
Enjoy this video below. I had the honor of hearing Ms. Ooey Gooey herself speak a few years ago, and she's all about kids. 

I just love kids....well then you haven't met enough! LOL

Jamie Rufo